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christmas. a time spent with family and friends to enjoy the many blessings in life but not for anne. she had to work on christmas eve at the diner and if she didn't, she would lose her job. anne needed money for college so she worked that night. the diner was empty, just anne, jerry the cook, and old christmas music playing through the low speakers. anne cleaned the counters when the bell dinged, signalling someone had entered the diner. a boy with curly hair sat in a booth by himself. anne fixed her yellow uniform dress and walked up to him. "merry christmas eve, sir. my name is anne! what can i get you for tonight?" he looked up from his menu and just smiled.

"i'll take a coffee, black, and a plate of pancakes." odd order for 10:30 on christmas eve, she thought as she jotted down the order. "also, merry christmas eve to you too." she put the order up on and spun it around for jerry to see. she couldn't stop staring at the boy. she grabbed a cup and the coffee pot. she poured him a cup and smiled. he pulled out a copy of 'the great gatsby' and took a sip of his coffee. "sucks they made you work on christmas, anne." she laughed. "i'm gilbert." he held his hand out and she shook it. they just stared into each others eyes until jerry called her name.

she ran back and he was holding a plate. "pancakes are ready." he handed her the plate. before she walked back towards the table, she checked herself out. she had gold hoop earrings, a christmas tree pin, and her red hair was in a messy ponytail with pieces sticking out. "ooou, anne found a boyfriend." she flipped him off. "hey that's not the christmas spirit!"

she made her way back to his table and put the plate down and poured him more coffee. "thank you." she was about to walk away when he stopped her. "anne, why don't you sit? it's not like anyone is here." she looked around the empty diner and sat. "so, why are you here? if you don't mind me asking."

"no i don't, if i didn't work tonight i would've been fired. i have to have some way to pay for things." she laughed. "i wish i could be with my family but i'll see them tomorrow. so what about you? all mysterious with your black coffee and beat up copy of 'the great gatsby'."

"none of my family are around. i moved to go to college and they are too far to see them. i miss them but they understand." anne smiled at him, wanting to know more about him. "it's feels great not to be locked up in my dorm. everyone's gone except me. so thank you for keeping me company on this lonesome christmas eve." he touched her hand and squeezed it. electricity went through both of their bodies.

"anne, i'm heading out. my shifts over. joyeux noel and lock up!" he smiled and left. they must have been talking for a good hour now. 

anne looked at the beautiful boy sitting in front of her. he got his jacket on like he was about to leave. "i have to stay till 12:15 if you wanna stay for a little longer." he nodded and took his seat. "as i was saying, i'm studying to be a teacher but i also write. i just love to write and i-" last christmas came on by wham and anne stood up. "i love this song! last christmas, i gave you my heart." she sang along.

"dance with me?" gilbert stood up, extending his arm out. she jumped up and went into his arms. they swayed around the empty dining room with her head on his shoulder, while anne softly sang along with the tune. "your voice is as beautiful as you, anne." he whispered into her ear as he spun her. the end of the song was coming and they ended up by the door, under the mistletoe. "mistletoe?"

her blue eyes caught his brown ones. slowly, she brought her lips up to his. the clock made a beeping noise, signaling it was 12. she laid her forehead against his. "merry christmas, gilbert."

"merry christmas, anne." she kissed him again and pulled away. bringing her arms around his waist, she buried her head in his chest. they stood in the quiet diner, in each other's arm swaying to whatever song was playing. 

(ᴏɴᴇ sʜᴏᴛs)//sʜɪʀʙᴇʀᴛTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang