i love you.

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{modern time}

anne and gilbert sat in ruby's basement watching "the exorcist". everyone curled up on the couches, afraid of what was going to happen next. gilbert held anne's small hand in his as her head was buried deep in his neck. "gil, what's going on? any blood?" she whispered out.

"well, maybe you would know if you weren't such a scaredy-cat!" she hit is chest and laughed. "ow!" she rolled her eyes and gave him a quick peck before attempting to look back at the screen.

soon it was the end of the movie. jerry and ruby were asleep on each other, jane, tillie, and cole snuggled under a big blanket, charlie and diana were making more popcorn, and anne cuddled up next to gilbert. they were about to watch "coco" when one of their friends appeared. "oh hey, josie. what took you so long?"

the blonde girl sighed and sat next to the couple, closer to gilbert. "my mom and dad had the car tonight. by the time they got home, traffic was horrible! just glad i am here!" she put her hand on gilbert's shoulder. anne felt a pang of jealousy in her stomach. gilbert and josie used to date before him and anne. now since their relationship began, josie has been all over gilbert. she's always felt that josie is prettier than her and that she could take gilbert back whenever she wanted. "so what's up? what are we watching?" she curled up next to gilbert with a blanket. anne kept her cool and watched the pixar movie.

by the end of the movie, everyone was crying. besides anne. she didn't focus on the movie she loved so much, she focused on gilbert and josie. the whole movie josie found a way to touch gilbert in some way and he didn't stop her. "i think it's time to go. it's getting late." gilbert said looking over at his clearly distracted girlfriend. anne nodded and got up to say goodbye to her friends. they hugged everyone but when gilbert got to josie, it looked so different.  "bye guys!" they walked out of ruby's house with anne slowly walking behind gilbert. "anne, are you alright?" she nodded and sat in the passenger's seat of the car.

the ride home was silent. they drove down the dark roads and finally got to green gables. anne sat up all night, worrying about what may happen to her relationship. gilbert tried to call and text her but she couldn't bring herself to answering them, worrying about what he might do. "that's it." by the sixth time a notification went off, she completely turned her phone off. "gilbert blythe, you have no idea what you are doing to me." she grunted, letting a few tears slip.

soon enough it was sunday. marilla went out to run errands and matthew went to buy some new seeds for his garden, leaving anne all alone. she tried so hard to forget about last night. forget about how josie is going to get gilbert back. anne's phone remained off for the rest of the night and leading into the day. she cleaned her room, got a shower, cleaned her closet. she did anything to distract her. finally, her 'chores' were done. she sat down in front of her vanity and looked at the big shirt on her body. gilbert's black nirvana shirt she stole a little while back. it smelled like him. she wanted to pick up her phone and call him, tell him to come over just so she can see his face. but a part of her told her not to, that part thought gilbert would break up with her. 

anne was cooking herself some mac and cheese when there was a knock at the door. she opened the curtain and saw her boyfriend. shit. quickly, she dropped down below the window. she didn't answer him, she just sat in silence while he continued to knock. "c'mon, anne! i know you are in there! i smell the mac and cheese! let me in!" he paced around the porch and she heard his every move on the porch as the old wood creaked. suddenly, it went quiet. anne opened the curtain back up and didn't see him anymore. finally, she can eat her lunch. "SHIT!" someone yelled from upstairs with a loud bang. she ran upstairs to her room where she could feel the fall breeze blowing in through an opened window. then she saw him, gilbert laying on the floor. "i knew you were home!" he jumped up and brushed his pants off. 

"please go home." she said in all seriousness. he looked at her with a look of confusion. "you heard me, gilbert. leave." he tried to touch her arm but she swatted him away. "why don't you go back to josie." she whispered.

"what was that?" she didn't think he would hear that. "anne, what do you mean? going back to josie?why would i d-"

she smiled and scoffed. "are you kidding me, gilbert? you honestly have no clue?" he shook his head. "yesterday? ruby's house?" it wasn't clicking. "when josie came she was all over you and you didn't stop her! you ignored me the whole night for her!" he sat there speechless. "listen, gilbert. what we have is amazing but i do not want to feel like i am the other choice! it's been that way my whole life! especially with josie! she's prettier than me and she had you first!" she looked like she was about to cry. she stopped to breath. "were you using me? you know to get over her? i get it if you want her back but can you please just break up with me now and spare me!"

he was in a state of shock. "u-use you? anne, i would never use you in anyway and i would never leave you for josie! you remember what happened with our relationship. anne, you are the one that makes me happiest. i can't even begin to tell you how much i appreciate you." he looked down at his feet then back up to anne. "i love you." he smiled and smiled back. "i love you, anne shirley-cuthbert. i love you so much."

that's the first time either of them said it. "i love you, gilbert. you're my other half. my person. the love of my life." her hands met his face and she kissed him. she pulled away and looked into his eyes. "i am so sorry about my outburst, it's just i'm so afraid to lose you. i swear, i'm not usually this jealous." he laughed and kissed her again. 

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