school dance.

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modern au.

avonlea high was having their annual fall dance. anne never really thought much of it. just another school event to skip and watch old movies alone at home. but this time it was different. this time she got asked by a boy in her english class, alexander. she talked to him a few times and he seemed sweet so she said yes. when diana was told the news, she was so happy but seemed off. "oh, he asked you? did anybody else ask you? like someone we know?" anne was confused at this. who else would ask her? "oh, well, we should get to lunch." diana and anne joined their table of jerry, ruby, jane, tillie, charlie, cole, and gilbert. everyone had their own conversation going except for gilbert, he just looked at anne who talked to jane about their algebra assignment. he was interrupted by someone calling his name.

"gilbert," it was jerry. "have you asked anyone to the dance?" he looked around the table with a slight blush. everyone looked up at him, even anne. 

"n-no, not yet. i was thinking of someone." he glanced quickly at anne and looked down at his lunch. the rest of the lunch was spent with everyone talking about the dance. it got to anne. he expected to say she wasn't going but she nodded. everyone looked surprised. especially gilbert. he expected her to say she wasn't going. he knew anne and how much she hated these things, that's why he wrote down reasons she should go, reasons why she should go with him."oh, i thought you didn't like these school dances? i mean, you didn't go last year." 

anne rolled her eyes at the boy. "well, gilbert, if you must know....alexander asked me to go with him." she smiled with a light blush covering her freckled face. alexander? he scoffed in his head. he looked around and diana caught his eye. she mouthed, i meant to tell you. gilbert got up and threw his trash out. making some excuse, he left the cafeteria with his heart broke. he looked down at the 25 reasons anne should go to the dance with him and shoved it in his book bag. he walked into the library until the bell rang.

the night of the dance.

anne put on her yellow dress, satisfied with the way it looked on her body. jane was driving diana, her, and ruby to the dance. her stomach was filled with butterflies. she's never been asked to a dance before. she tried to see the good in the situation. she calmed herself down and drove with her friends to school. the hallways were lit lightly and anne could hear the loud music playing from the gym. her heart rate began to speed up as she looked at all the people. "anne, you okay?" a familiar voice broke her out of her trance. it was gilbert. she looked up at the well-dressed boy and smiled with a nod. "okay, good." she turned around to hand her ticket in. gilbert couldn't take his eyes off of her. she looked beautiful, as always. he was still sad about her going to the dance with alexander but if she's happy, he's happy.

the dark gym was filled with sweaty teenagers who danced along to the pop music. ruby and jane sang loudly while cole filmed them. charlie and diana were dancing with jerry. then there was anne, she looked around for her date who has yet to show up after missing almost two hours of the dance. gilbert could tell she was nervous as she bit her lip, glancing in every corner. he was about to go talk to her but she ran out. gilbert chased after her as she ran to one of the back hallways. you could still hear the music thumping in the gym. anne sat against a wall, head in knees. gilbert knew she was upset. he slowly walked towards her and sat right next to her. she looked up and shook her head. "gilbert, please, just go away. i was stupid enough to think a boy would actually wanna go to a dance with me." his heart broke even more to see her cry. "i put on this stupid dress, did my makeup, and humiliated myself! now, you are seeing me cry. i should've stayed home! i'm just an ugly red girl who will never get a date again."

gilbert couldn't take this. "anne shirley-cuthbert, stop! you are not ugly, you are far from that believe me. you grace me everyday with your beauty and your brains! if alexander didn't ask you to this stupid dance tonight, i would've and we would have the best time together! i even wrote down 25 reasons why you go with me." he looked at the girl who stopped crying. "anne, you deserve so much better than alexander or any guy could offer." he sucked in a breath, preparing for what he was about to say. "anne, i like you. a lot, actually. i have for awhile and i've been too afraid to tell you but now i guess i am. anne, please say something."

a silence stood between them. they could hear a slow song begin to play. "dance with me." she got up and held her hand out. he stood up and took her into his arms. all their worries went away as they held each other in their arms. the faded song played as they swayed in the dim hallway. anne felt safe and gilbert felt happier than he ever did. "can you please tell me those 25 reasons?" she looked up at him.

"well, 1) i'm awesome. 2) you're awesome. 3) awesome people make an awesome time." they continued to sway and laugh. seeing her this happy made his heart flutter. "4) i can take you home and watch movies with you if you get bored, 5) we could get food after the dance, 6) i could make you dance and not feel awkward about it, 7) i would let you know every second how beautiful you look every. single. second., 8) you can watch me beat jerry in a dance battle, 9) you would have the time of your life, 10) i could make you smile and laugh, which is a plus for me because i get to witness you be happy and that-" anne cut him off with a quick kiss. "that's number 26 now." they smiled and he kissed her one more time. they pulled away and anne put her head on his chest, they continued to dance even though the song was over.


ugh idk how i feel ab this one.... anyway, school starts soon which mean i may not update that much but i'll try! love you all <3

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