Chapter 6

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"Hey Jake, what's wrong?" He looked up from drawing shapes in the sand to look at me.

"Oh, No, nothing's wrong." I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, that was a lie and you can tell me Jake, I won't judge you."

"Everyone else will."

"But I won't, you don't have to tell them or me even but it's making you sad and I speak from personal experience if something is bugging you, tell someone, because later on they may just find out but it's been twisted into something else."

"Okay, the thing is I- I'm in love with Edward."

"Cullen? I thought you hated them."

"No, I don't, not really. Everyone else does and Edward is dating my ex-best friend Bella. It's easier to hate him than accept my feelings, plus he'd never love me back, if he ever found out he'd just laugh at me. I don't think I would ever  get over something like that." He said dryly, this was really getting to him.

"Hey, we don't know that. Why don't you stay with me this weekend? I know Erica and Lydia would be more than willing to help us make a plan?"

"A plan?"

"Of course a plan, you always need a plan. Now come on, I think it's time to go home." He nodded, we stood and hugged.

"Thank you Stiles, I'll go talk to my dad then meet you at your house?"

"Sounds good." He jogged off down the beach, smiling thankfully.

"Ladies! I think it's time to head home." Erica and Lydia nodded waving goodbye to everyone as did I and hopped into my Jeep, wrapped in warm fluffy towels.

"So, you talked to Derek?" Lydia asked, ringing her hair in her towel.

"I wouldn't say 'talk' it the best way to describe what I did." Erica raised her eyebrows motioning for me to continue.

"Derek and I had an argument, I told him that the kids would be staying with me until he could prove he can look after you all. He's an adult with children, he needs to remember that." Lydia nodded in agreement while Erica rolled his eyes.

"Basically you and Derek got stuck in a custody battle?" I shrugged, "You two act like a married couple."

"But we do have a real issue." That caught their attention, both looking at me intently.

"Their is a family here, the Cullen's. All of Jacob's friends hate them except Seth, who likes everyone. They do to Fork's high school and we're going on a field trip with them on Monday."

"What's the issue then?"

"Little Jakey is in love with Edward Cullen, so it is our job to create a plan before Monday to get those two together. He'll be staying with us this weekend."

"Awwww. Of course we'll help!"

"You picked the best people for this job!"

"I know." I laughed pulling into my driveway, Jacob stood in front of my door waiting. That sure didn't take him long, but then again Roscoe is a little on the  slow side.

"Hey Jake!"

"A little birdie told us your in love!" Erica sang linking her arm with Jacob's, he blushed darkly muttering curses under his breath.

"Maybe..." We laughed and walked inside, up to my bedroom.

"Tell us about him." Lydia said as we all sat down on my bed.

"His name is Edward, he's perfect. He could be a model, he has messy bronze hair and golden eyes but he's dating my ex-best friend Bella Swan."

"Wait, Swan? The sheriff's daughter?" I asked earning  a glum nod from Jacob.

"Oh, Jake."

"He loves her! He'll never love me, thank you guys but this will never work." Lydia grabbed his arm as he tried to stand up, pulling his back down and into a group hug.

"I have a plan, it's about making him realize he likes you all by himself. Has he ever seen you in a serious relationship with another person?" Lydia asked, Jake shook his head.

"What are you saying?"

"She's saying that if you date someone else, it will make him jealous and he'll realize that he likes you! That way you don't have to tell him and have the possibility of being rejected, if the plan doesn't work you'll still have us. We can help you find someone even better." Erica finished, smiling brightly.

"I don't think there's anyone better than Edward but who am I going to date? I don't want to just leave them, that would be cruel."

"I can do it, everyone has seen us getting close so they'll believe it. I can be your fake boyfriend and when he says he likes you, you two can be together." He grinned, hugging me.

"Thanks Stiles, this plan is perfect."

"It is. Tomorrow we'll give you a bit of a makeover, but right now what do you guys say to a movie night?"

"I say hell yeah!" Erica cheered, I chuckled and set up my laptop with Supernatural season 1 playing. We grabbed blankets, pillows and plenty of snacks.

"Thank's to all of you guys, I'm really happy I met you."

"We're happy we met you too, no one let's us help with their love lives." We huddled close together and soon ended up falling asleep, Monday was going to be excellent.

Jake is such a good person, if Edward hurts him. Bad things will be coming his way, I can already tell both of the girls like Jacob very much. And these girls get very protective of their friends.

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