Cooking with Sam Winchester

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"Y/N...what are you doing?" The sound of Sam's voice startles you. You drop the baking sheet that was in your hand, causing a loud clatter to fill the room.

"Shit, Sam you scared me," you say, turning to see Sam leaning in the doorframe of the kitchen. His arms cross over his flannel-clad chest, and a small grin is covering his face. Placing a hand on your chest, you can feel your heart race, and although you try to tell yourself, it's just because he scares you, you know its also because of him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to," he says pushing himself from the doorframe, and walking towards you. "Just heard all this noise, and wonder who was making it," he says, looking down at your phone, that was still playing music...louder than usual. The other reason you didn't hear him coming. You give him a small smile, picking up the phone and turning down the volume.

"Sorry...just needed some music while I cook," you say, setting down the phone, and bending to pick up the pan.

"Your cooking?" Sam questions, going over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

Yes, it's true that Dean does most of the cooking, but the few times that he let someone else use the space, you jump at the chance. They both seem to like your cooking, and although your specialty is desserts, you do have a few savory dishes up your sleeves.

" night," you say, moving past him, and opening the fridge to grab veggies, meat, and other ingredients for the pizza. Sam has made his way, to sit down at the table. "What, are you going to watch?" you ask, pulling another pot out.

"Thought I could keep you company?" He says, setting the water bottle on the table. Not that you don't like the idea of hanging out with Sam, but just having him watch you make dinner, makes you...nervous.

"How about you help?" You say, hoping that he will take your offer. Sam looks taken aback by this, clearing his throat, you can tell this was not part of the plan. "I mean, I have all these veggies, I was planning on making you a veggie pizza, and have another meat/(your favorite pizza) pizza for Dean and me to share. God knows Dean hates veggies even coming near his food" you joke but knowing it's the truth.

"Umm..." he says, looking away from you, and towards the table. You can tell that he doesn't really want to, him and the kitchen never really have been a thing, but trying one last time.

"Come on Sam, I could you someone with good knife skills," you say sweetly, hoping this will get him.

"Sure," he says, getting up from the table, a smile breaks out on your face, which causes him to smile back. "no promises this is going to be pretty," he says, walking over to stand next to you.

"You will be fine," You say, turning from him, and grabbing a knife and cutting board for him. Once he is all set on what needs to be done, you set on cooking off some meat for Dean's pizza.

Woking is silence, except for the music is nice. You and Sam have always been friends, with the same interests in books and movies, it was easy to form a friendship with him. You were relieved when a year ago, your whole world turn upside down, that you could call him, and Dean to come to your rescue. Taking you in, and making you apart of the family. It was then, living in such close corners with the younger Winchester that your feelings for him started to emerge.

You tried like hell to suppress them, telling yourself that to it was not worth losing him or Dean for something that would never happen. No point in making a fool of yourself, when you were not his type. Guys didn't go for girls like you, girls with hips that are too wide, and thighs that touch. Girls who dress attire consist of 90% jeans, and the other 10% yoga pants, that have never seen a yoga mat.

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