In the shadow of my sister

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V:  Angie! Fran! Come here! You can't just imagine what letter we got. There' ll be a charity concert to raise funds for the homeless people. The whole town will be there and we are invited to sing.

F: All of us from the studio?

V: No, just me and you.

F: Oh, okay then.

A: So girls we have to get you ready for this. You can't imagine how happy and proud I am!

V: Let's get started!

The three of them started rehearsing.

Fran's pov

Omg! I can't believe how good is VIlu. I'm nothing compared to her. I know that she is like a sister for me and I am so truly happy for her... but all these years at the Studio and I feel like I didn't achieved anything.

A: Cesca, are you here? What are you thinking about? We have to rehearse.

V: Yes Fran, you know how important this is.

F: What's the point of rehearsing ?- I barely held my tears. I know that this is not the most important thing, but I've always wanted to be perfect, to be the best in anything I do. -  Even if I rehearse I'm nothing but an ordinary girl who can sing. Nothing more... What's the point?- As I said that I felt tears coming out of my eyes, so I ran away.

Angie's pov 

A: Vilu, any idea what's the matter with her? 

V: I don't know. She never acted so strange. I have no idea what's happening with her.

Hmm. What did she meant by saying she is just a girl who can sing... I have to find her.

A: Vilu, I'm gonna find her, you stay here and keep working on your high notes. 

V: Okay, just find her, please.

A: I will. I promise. Bye, love you.

*15 minutes later*

Okay, so I've been looking for her for 15 minutes and I have no idea where she... Oh, I think I know where she is. There is a place where she goes every time she is upset.  In the park there is a little path leading to a place with a bench, cherry tree and a fountain. She really loves it because the fountain reminds her of Rome. 

When I got at the place I saw that she wasn't there. Oh my god, Francesca where you are? Wait I see her... She's sitting on the grass watching the fountain. Oh poor girl. 

A: Mind if I sit here? - I asked with a smile, I really love her like daughter and it's so sad for me to see her like that.

F: Sit...

A: The sun is beautiful today. Just like you when you smile... Where is your sunny smile, honey? What happened?

F: It doesn't matter, Angie... Just my nonsense again. Nothing serious. 

A: Cesca, you may have the hardest day, but you are always smiling. Remember that time when you found about Marco being still in love with Anna, and remember the time when "Resto band" was closed, and your brother was heartbroken... you just put your big smile you showed Marco that he can't play with you and helped your brother to find the necessary money to re-open the cafeteria. Honey, you were always there for everyone, and you were always optimistic, always with your big smile on your face... So you can't tell me that this is nothing serious.

F: Angie, I don't want to sound selfish, I know that there are people far worse than me... I know I have you and Vilu and German, I know that I have Diego, I have what I need... but there is always something that makes me sad. I have the necessity to be perfect all the time. To be the best... And I know that I am good, but it's not enough for me. Don't get me wrong I love Vilu more than anything, but every time she starts to sing I feel like I was completely wasting all these years I spent at the Studio. I know it's stupid.

A: Has Vilu told you anything about her mother? What do you know about Maria?

F: I know that she was very famous, a very good singer and an excellent mother.

A: Yes, she was. And I adored her. But for my family I was completely invisible. It was all about Maria. They were at all of her concerts, but they never came to mine... they never asked me what my plans for the future were. Then Maria married German and Vilu was born. She was a mother and my parents were grandparents... I was still invisible... You know when they started to care for me... when she died. Suddenly her career, her ambitions and her plans for the future were transfered to me. Nobody asked me if I'm okay with that. They were even telling me Maria from time to time...

F: And what happened?

A: I got my suitcase, I found an apartment and started working at the studio. Then my dad died. My mom contacted me when she found that Vilu was in the town... And for the first time she really talked with me for me when she found out that I had feelings for German... Of course even if Maria was dead, my mom thought that German was hers. So I was put again in her shadow. And you know what... These feeling are back now. Maria was the perfect mother. I have to watch after Vilu, you and now I'm gonna have a baby and I have no idea what I'm going to do. But you know what I'll cope with it. I'll cope because I have you, Vilu and German by my side. And I may never be perfect like Maria, but I'll be perfect in my own way. You' ll never be like Vilu that's true. And you are never going to be the best at everything. But for me you'll always be perfect, honey. Always! No matter if you are the most famous star in the world, or if you are a future singing teacher somewhere. I know that you parents aren't always there for you, but I'll be always. 

Francesca just hugged me. I kissed her forehead and hugged her, too. We sat like this for about four or five minutes. She was crying.

F: Angie... I don't know what to say. 

A: Just wipe your tears out, put back the sunny smile and let's go back.

F: I love you!

A: I love you, too sweetheart!

*30 minutes later*

V: Fraaan! Where were you? What happened?

F: Hmm...

A: Girls! Not now. We have to rehearse. - I winked at Cesca and she smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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