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I sat there deciding I would simply wait. Klaus would be back eventually and whether or not I saw Rebekah would tell me if she found him. I paced nervously back and forth in my room before hearing the door. I ran downstairs to see a woman I had never seen before. She had long black hair and dressed cleanly. The house was empty I had no idea where Kol was but Esther and Finn went out on a mystery pregnancy mission. Then Rebekah went after Klaus and Elijah went after her. I was alone. I had hoped that maybe Klaus' hybrids would help but judging by the blood on her coat, they stood no serious chance. I shook a little bit now knowing who this was "Dahlia" she smiled "You have the good sense to be afraid. Very good. You're coming with me for a little walk" I nodded and grabbed my coat wrapping it around myself and walked out with her.

"So you are the woman with my child in her womb" I frowned and wrapped my arm around myself "This baby is mine" I said with strength I didn't know I had "Hmph strong and brave. That's good too. That baby belongs to me, that baby has been mine long before you ever knew my name" I gripped my arm tighter listening "Esther many years ago bartered the life of her first born and every other first born of this family to me. So yes darling you are carrying my child and I wished to meet you now that I have it will 9 months before I see you again" I tightened and gritted my teeth looking her dead in the eye.

"I don't care who you are. I don't care what you were promised. I don't care about any of it. You are not taking my baby from me now or later. My child belongs to me and to Klaus and you'll have to pry them from my cold dead fingers before you take them from me" she smirked walking up closer to me almost suffocating me with her presence. She looked me up and down assessing me and I did the same seeing the blood spatter patterns on her far clearer now. She stepped back and I let out a involuntary breath "Shame if you were more cooperative I would gladly spare your life but you have a heart greater than mine and Esther so I know you will not be. I always get what belongs to me Elena and there is little you can do about it. It is because of the simple fact that I happen to like you're strength and tenacity that I do not tear it from your womb where you stand. So if I were you I would treasure the time you have with the child you will not have much more" she said before leaving me in the woods shaking and breathing heavily.

Esther is the reason this is happening? I thought Finn was her first child? Why does she want my baby? Would she really take it from my stomach? Is that even possible? Many questions and thoughts sped through my head but none of them were as loud as the thought of us not being able to defeat her. Was there even a way? I had to believe so, there has to be a way to save my child from Dahlia. It was then I knew, I loved this baby, I hadn't known of it for long but I knew I needed it. I wanted it. I wanted a child so bad. I deserve it. I deserve this. I've gone through so much and still made it out human I deserve to have this. I hadn't realized how long I had been standing outside until I heard movement in the brush next to me. The sound of footsteps approaching and then the fear set in.

I was hopelessly exposed, no cover, no defense. I had to fight. I would not lose anything else. As soon as I had made up my mind I did the only thing I could. I ran. I went fast moving faster than I ever knew I could. I pushed past the tree limbs evaded the rocks. I didn't know where I was going but I was getting out of there. My determination came deep from within I would fight till the end for my life and it's. I was stopped by a man who grabbed and slammed me on the ground. I breathed out my lungs burning from the lack of oxygen. I blinked a couple times before standing up "Look what I caught boys" the one man said "The mate to the hybrid" I felt one come behind me and smell my hair "She's human" I moved away from then backing away slowly until my back hit a tree.

"The hybrid is a monster his seed will be worse we should kill her" I made a noise similar to a growl that rumbled deep in my chest. They all stilled for a moment before moving in on me again "Kill her!" Someone yelled. I don't know what happened in seconds I had claws and I was tearing at them. Someone was screaming, making strangled noises and pleads. I wasn't listening it was like all the rage and anger I'd been feeling up to this point was rushing out. It was scary, when it was all over I looked at all the bodies in horror. The mangled corpses laid at my feet like a demented painting. I let in a shaky breath sinking against a tree. How did I do that? I looked down knowing only one thing could've done this. My baby. Maybe they were right maybe it was a monster.

More rustling came up and I immediately felt alert. Everything in me was focused, I was ready for whatever decided to come next. A wolf jumped out of the clearing, a silvery grey wolf. As soon as I made eye contact with it I knew who it was. Klaus. I felt my body slump the tension gone knowing I was going to be ok. He'd found us. The wolf came over slowly growling and whimpering "Its ok I'm ok its not my blood" he perked up and rushed over sniffing me and making sure I hadn't been hurt. Once he was sure I was ok he tugged at my coat and I followed him back. When the house came in sight the wolf rushed off and I was crushed by Rebekah's arms. She pulled back enough to look at me and my matted hair.

"You look like hell" Kol said making me laugh "Still look better than you" we laughed together and they helped me inside. I didn't really feel like talking so I just took myself upstairs ignoring the calls for me to explain my disappearance. As I got in through my door I took a bath and spent the rest of the night in my locked room. I didn't know what to make of this baby anymore. Did I create a monster "Elena" I heard after a soft knock sounded on my door. I opened it allowing him in "Before you say anyt..." I was cut off by his arms wrapping around me. He squeezed me tight pushing his face in my neck and taking deep breaths of me. I slowly hugged him back not realizing how much I needed that. After everything being wrapped in safe arms just felt right "I thought something happened to you" he whispered in a almost barely audible tone "I'm fine" I whispered back stroking his hair a little.

"What happened" he said pulling away, I told him everything. From Dahlia to the weird massacre in the woods. His face remained the same for most of it immeasurable fury and then it switched at the end to pride. He was proud of me for fighting back "What if this baby is a monster" he grabbed my hands kissing the backs "That baby could never be a monster. I know what it is to have parents who write you off before you're even born and that's what made me the man I was but it was your love that brought me back. And it will be your love that makes this baby so much more than anyone could ever predict" he was right I knew he was, I could never write anything off without giving it the chance to show me otherwise. I've never done that before so I won't do it now.

People aren't born evil. Neither is my baby. I smiled up at him a tear falling down my cheek "I thought you would tell me to get rid of it" he frowned "I wouldn't do that. Even if I didn't want it I know you Elena. If I had said that I know I would've lost you. I know you want this and I exist now only for you and the things that make you happy. If this child will make you happy then I will stand by you whilst you carry it and long after you deliver it" I frowned "You don't want this?" he opened his mouth to speak but said nothing turning away from me. He sighed and shook his head "I am no more fit to be a father than Mikeal and it is better for the child that I not be that involved" I walked over pulling his face in my hands making him look at me.

"Klaus that might have been true for the man who sacrificed me but now... you are more than that. You've been through hell and back if my baby is gonna have any hope of being as resilient as you they'll need you around. We can do this but only if we do it together. If we tried to alone it would fail because you really are my other half and I can't imagine doing anything without you" he put his forehead on mine and sighed "Then we'll do this together love" I smiled and nodded grabbing his hands and lacing our fingers together "Together" I promised him, I knew we were making a big promise but I also knew we would keep it. No telling what the future held for us but the least we could do was fight whatever else came for us together. Always and forever. That was the original promise right?

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