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Emma opened her eyes and saw her grandfather looking at her with mournful eyes.

She sat up and her grandfather held her hands. It looked like he had so much to say. He had hidden his history in those happy smiles. No one knew who was behind them.

"What's the wrong paa? You seem sad. You okay?"

He chuckled a little. So innocent.

"My little Em. Always worried about everybody but yourself. Let me tell you a secret story. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Promise?"

He held out his pinky finger. She sat straight and nodded. She linked her pinky fingers to his and touched the thumbs.

"I had gone something similar to what you went through right now."

Her eyes widened. She wasn't shocked that he knew about her love for Draco but she was shocked to know that he too had to give the exam.

"When I was supposed to be recruited the first time, I had to find a Grinch and stop him from stealing Christmas. He would prank people by taking off their decorations and stuffing them in the garbage bin or throwing absurd colours on their houses. Or worse, change gift tags so nobody would receive their gifts on time.

I went down there to talk things out. But instead of getting to talk, I fell in love at first sight with him. He was this green haired lean, muscular man. Because of his different appearance, no one used to talk to him. He was bullied and outcast because of being an orphan. I spent my entire day with him trying to know him.

I still remember that beautiful smile of his. Those mischievous hazel eyes and freckled face. Those green hair suited his dark skin so perfectly. Even though he ruined Christmas, he was the perfect man I had met."

Emma was taking it all in. She never knew her grandpa loved a man instead of her grandmother. From what she heard, her grandpa had it bad for that man. She zoned back in to listen to the tale.

"We sang and danced and gave gifts to everybody, together. He, never once, pranked anybody. I understood his feelings and he understood mine. We became one. One soul. Like you and Draco are. But reality hit us very badly. It was time I had to come back to the throne.

We cried hugging each other and promised never to forget no matter where we are or with whom we are. We knew that we could never be together so we accepted the fact. I married your grandma later in the years and he asked his adopted mother to find a good girl for him. We both had beautiful families. But that didn't stop us from meeting like old friends. Every Christmas Eve till morning, we would go together to give gifts to the world."

"But paa, I didn't see any man with you today. Where was he?"

"He is not with us anymore, Em. He passed away in my arms last Christmas. We shared our last kiss. On the same date, same time just a different year. That's why I decided to step down from my duties. My happiness ended the day his life did."

She hugged her grandpa with tears brimming in her eyes. Nicholas started to cry remembering his memories with that Grinch of his. The day he left, his soul crushed, his heart shattered and his mind went blank. In these very arms, he left his last memory.

"Oh, grandpa. I'm sorry you lost your love. I wish I could've helped you be with him. I'm so sorry you lived every minute without him by your side."

Nicholas wiped his eyes. He held her shoulders and looked determinedly in Emma's eyes.

"That is exactly why I won't let you do the same mistake as I did. I will make sure you live the person you love."

He got up and pulled her in the family room. Every Claus was sitting and wrapping gifts. They all looked up as they saw Nicholas enter.

"I have an announcement to make."

Emma and everybody else looked quizzingly at at him. He drew in a sharp breath and cleared his throat.

"I have chosen my heir. The person who will carry on my work."

Everybody perked up. Even the elves and the fairies had stopped working and rushed in to hear.

"I present to all of you the next Claus forevermore, Emma."

Everybody clapped and cheered but Emma's heart shattered again and again.

"I'm not done yet. I have made a change in this position. Emma will only come here for the annual Christmas preparations. Till then, she would handle everything from home. A place where her heart is."

Emma's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe at what she was hearing. She gets to be a Santa and be with Draco.

"But on one condition. You have to stay here till the next day before Christmas. You can then go back there."

"B-but that'll be too late. He'll think I abandoned him."

She was flabbergasted by this condition. She was getting what she wanted but at a cost of being misunderstood.

"If you want something then you need to pass the tests to win it. The moment you win it, it'll be all yours."

She looked down at her feet and thought. This is the only chance I'm getting to be a Santa and be with Draco. Even if I have to stay away from him for a while to be with him, I'll do it. She squared her shoulders and drew out her hands to shake on the deal.

"I accept the condition. When does my training begin?"

Nicholas was impressed with the smartness his grandchild was showing. He shook her hands and hugged her. He just knew that he had an excellent Santa in making. He knew she was going to make a beautiful difference in this world.


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Once Upon A ChristmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora