♥43♥ As we drift in a world of danger

Start from the beginning

Before Tokoyami's Quirk could go even more berserk, Todoroki and Bakugou used their own Quirks to create light and calm it down in an instant. Tokoyami fell to his knees, gasping for breath once it was all over. "Yuuki...! Where's Yuuki?!" 

Yuuki tiredly woke up and she realized she was sitting against the villain, who was passed out due to crashing into the tree with full force as well as having her crushing most of his ribs. She saw his mouth was opened and she pulled out the remaining teeth out of revenge. "Dentist Yuuki always gets the job done, no need to thank me." She tried to get up, but she groaned in pain when she tried to move. "Ugh...I'm hurt. Did I break a few ribs too?"

Yuuki crawled away from the villain and she tried to return to the others as best she could. 

Suddenly, the bushes began to shuffle and it made her freeze on the spot. The person who came out was Todoroki, who was worried sick about her the moment. 

"Hey..." Yuuki fell to the floor and her body shifted from a human into a proper honey badger. 

Todoroki moved her clothes out of the way and he picked her up. "Are you okay?" 


Todoroki could see she was hurt. He couldn't see any damage from outside but he was afraid it could be internal damage. "Sorry..." 

"I should be the one to say that. I forgot to use my aura to retrieve my clothes. Now when I change back, I'm gonna be naked." 

Todoroki wondered if she was trying to play it cool so no one would notice her pain. "Why didn't you let me make light?" Todoroki asked Yuuki, hugging her gently as he carried her to make their way to the others. "If you let us make light, you wouldn't..." 

"Dark Shadow was strong enough to finish that guy off. I thought using Dark Shadow was the best move." 

"But you're hurt." 

"It doesn't matter. To me, this pain is worth it if it means you guys are okay." 


"I am a honey badger, I'm okay." 

Todoroki still didn't smile. 

"Hey, it's okay. I promise you I'll be fine." 

When Todoroki made it back to the others, Tokoyami looked very guilty immediately. 

"Yuuki..." He caused it. He caused her pain and the fact she's now a honey badger and not a human proved it. "I'm sorry, Yuuki. Because of me, I...!" While his eyes were covered by Dark Shadow, he knew he had a death grip on someone. He knew it was Yuuki but he tried everything in his power to make Dark Shadow let go of her but nothing worked. 

"Tokoyami," Yuuki tiredly called out his name, "Is Deku and Shouji angry at you?" 

"Huh?" Of course they weren't, Shouji and Midoriya were too kind to hold a grudge against anyone.

"If they're not angry, I shouldn't be angry either." 


"Besides, I was the who told Todoroki and Bakugou to hold up from making light. I thought Dark Shadow might be able to get that guy." 

"What happened to that guy anyway?" Bakugou asked her. 

"I pulled the rest of his teeth out." 

"Hah! Serve him the fuck right!" 

Now was not the time for idle chitchat though; Midoriya confirmed that the villains' targets was none other than Bakugou. To protect Bakugou, they need to cut through the forest and make it straight to camp since if they go on the original route to return, they will run into the Pussy Cats' fight. 

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