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Alsalamu Alaykum People of Earth

Another chapter!! WHOHOOO

I wasn't planning to update until tomorrow but A friend of mine seemed really excited for it so I updated.

Hope you'll like it Helen and everyone else who is reading this book.

Please guys tell me your thoughts about it.

Thank you so much guys <3





Yusuf's POV

The wedding day

Ya Allah guide me to the right path, Ya Allah show me the way to Jannah (paradise), Ya Rab forgive my sins the ones I knew about and the ones I didn't, Ya Rab protect my family, the ones I love and all the Muslims around the world.

Ya Allah help me to become a good example of a Muslim, Ya Allah help me to become a good Muslim, a good Man, a good son and a good husband Inshallah. Ya Allah help me with this day, help me to be a rightful husband to Noor Inshallah.

Ameen Ya Rab Al Alamein

I lowered my hands and stood up taking the mat with me and putting it on the chair in the salah room, and walked out.

Today was the day. The day that I would be a married man. The day that I would officially be Noor's husband.


Again this name. The name only making me confused.

I don't know what to feel about her, should I be happy that Noor's going to be my wife?

I don't like her that's what I know but I don't hate her like I used to. I don't know why that happened, the change of my feelings I mean. Maybe it was the way she looked at me when I grabbed her wrists, or maybe it was Ameen's words; but whatever the reason, it made me change my perspective of her entirely. Now instead of an annoying girl that I knew since we were kids, she's become into someone strong.

I don't know what has happened to her but it's clear something has and it has left a huge scar on her heart I will find out sooner or later Inshallah, but hopefully it's sooner.

Because let's face it, I'm curious to death.

I went to my room to put on my wedding suit. I have already taken a shower and the only thing left to do is dab on some cologne. It's 5pm and I have to be there before six, I'm sure I'll make it, after all, I drive like a professional.

I changed, locked the doors, and went to my car. I still had time so I decided to go to the ice cream parlor near my house. I love their ice creams and I know that I'm a man but sometimes men have needs too.

It was ten to six when I reached the wedding, when I stepped in I was shocked. People, people everywhere. This was supposed to be a small, simple wedding. Probably Ummi's work I thought. These people are probably all relatives, I know it's hard to believe but our family is HUGE.

Ummi came from a family of ten siblings and she had six aunts and seven uncles, they had kids too. With at least five to six kids each, I have at least fifteen first cousins on my mom's side. Abbi's family was smaller but it was big in number as well, Abbi has eleven siblings but he has only one uncle with only two kids. I have nine first cousins on my dad's side of the family.

Your HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora