•?((¯°·._Identity •._.·°¯))؟•

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Who are you? Do you know who you are? Does anyone truly know you? I say no to all we can know our self now but we don't know who we would be tomorrow. We can do things our current self would frowned upon. We are always learning about our selves. As for others , don't matter the length of time you know someone you will never know them 100%.
But how?

Just like you're always changing and discovering new things about yourself so are they, I doubt you can keep up with your self discovery and theirs. However, sometimes it's conscious, they don't want you to know. SECRETS they call it!
But why?

They say be honest, say what's on you mind, tell how you feel and you'll feel better. Ask for what you want and you'll get it. If say I don't feel normal or I like to hurt people. Would that confession ease me?
If i ask to fuck all time would you let me?

The truth did not set me free it made you look at me as a freak. I don't feel better. That's why no one knows you. That's why you keep secrets. The truth is no one wants to know the real you and you don't want them to know either. So what to do?

Stop telling truth and giving yourself away. They can't accept the real you. Just lie and hide from your friends, your siblings, your parents, everyone. Give them fractions that they'll love. Fake it if you must. Become who they want because they are doing the same. You don't know who they are. You only see the fragments they show you.

And that's why I don't know who I am and neither does anyone else.

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