"And you're a friendly face?" Bishop queried.

Diaz looked insulted. "Hey, I introduced her to Johnny. What do you think?"

The two agents ignored that last part. "Did you know of any enemies Samson might have had?" Gibbs asked. "Other Marines, acquaintances, the like?"

Diaz shook his head. "Not that I know of. He tends to be quiet, but he's polite and professional. He doesn't make enemies. Why do you think I'm still friends with him? He's a nice guy."

Loki looked at McGhee. "They need to ask about the girlfriend."

McGhee made a face. "Never, ever interrupt Gibbs during an interrogation, Loki. Rule 17."

Loki rolled his eyes. "I understand, but Clare Leopard has something that's very dangerous."

"What?" Thor asked. "What did she have?"

Loki turned to him. "She had my scepter. The one you and your friends were supposed to keep safe!"

McGhee's voice sounded slightly uncomfortable. "Okay, that does sound important. But you can tell him."

"What?" Loki asked.

"You tell him," McGhee repeated firmly. "I'm not interrupted him."

Loki looked back at Gibbs and Bishop. "Fine. This is important."

Loki left the observation room and slowly opened the door to the interrogation room. Gibbs, Bishop, and Diaz all looked up at him, Diaz curiously, Bishop horrified, and Gibbs annoyed.

"Agent Gibbs." Loki forced his voice and expression to remain calm. "I need to speak to you for a moment."

"No, Laufeyson?" Gibbs demanded, standing quickly and knocking his chair over. "Really? You sure picked a dang good time."

McGhee and Thor both flinched.

"Really, really, Gibbs," Loki replied smoothly, holding his ground. "May I speak with you?"

Gibbs sighed and stepped out of the interrogation room, closing the door behind him. Crossing his arms, he glared at Loki. "Explain, Laufeyson."

"Ask him about the scepter," Loki said. "The scepter Clare Leopard had."

Gibbs rolled his hand for him to continue.

"It's a scepter I received from the same being who lent me the Chitauri," Loki elaborated. "When I was captured, the Avengers relieved me of it and deposited it with S.H.I.E.L.D. Now, it shows up in the hands of this woman, the girlfriend of your dead Marine. Do you call that a coincidence, Agent Gibbs?"

Gibbs' eyes narrowed. "There's no such thing as coincidences."

Loki allowed himself a slight smile. "That's what I thought. Listen, that scepter has extraordinary. It shoots energy from the stone at its center and it has control over the mind. You don't want that kind of weapon in the wrong hands."

"Like your hands?" Gibbs asked.

Loki inclined his head and was silent for a long moment. Then he looked down. "Yes," he replied vehemently. "Like my hands."

Gibbs turned and reentered interrogation.

Loki returned to the observation room, where Thor and McGhee both looked at him. "Did he chew you out?" McGhee asked.

Loki shot them a glare and then turned his attention back to the interrogation room. Gibbs sat down and raised his eyebrows at Diaz.

"Where did Clare Leopard obtain the scepter we saw her with?" he asked.

Diaz blinked. "You mean that thing on her back? She said it was nothing, merely a token gift from her new boss." He shrugged. "She's been looking for a better job."

Loki felt shudders run down his spine. "Oh, no," he muttered.

Thor looked at him. "Oh no what, brother?"

Loki took a deep breath but his head was spinning. Thanos' laugh was playing on repeat in his mind, bouncing around inside his head until he couldn't hear anything else. He crumpled to the ground, holding his head in his hands.

Little Asgardian...Little Asgardian...LITTLE ASGARDIAN....

"No!" Loki screamed. "No!"

He felt a strong hand on his shoulder, most likely Thor's, and could see McGhee's face flickering in front of his, asking what was wrong. He collapsed onto his side and automatically curled up into a ball, trying to block out the immense pain drumming inside his head. He saw flashes of blue and yellow, and he thought he saw Thanos' hand descend and grasp his head in his large hand, molding it to what he thought it should be.

I will win, little Asgardian. And I will MAKE you pay for all the trouble you caused me. What, you had to disappoint me? Like you disappointed Odin? Like you disappointed Thor and the Avengers? LIKE YOU DISAPPOINTED FRIGGA?

Loki couldn't breathe, he couldn't think, he couldn't speak, he couldn't see or hear anything besides Thanos. His head felt like it was splitting open. He was vaguely aware of the door slamming open and Ducky falling to his knees beside him. A strange finger touched his forehead and the agony intensified, sending Loki into unconsciousness.


So...more headaches. Poor Loki. Will he ever get rid of them?

What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the story so far. The scepter, the flashbacks, Thanos' voice in his head.... Feedback is always appreciated! And if you liked the chapter, please vote! It means a lot to me!

I was able to squeeze an additional update into my busy schedule. Don't worry; you should be getting another chapter tomorrow as well! So, I hope you enjoyed this one, and have a good day!

Skylar Wittenborn

Special Agent Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now