Oneshot #9

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AN; this is kinda based off a story I read on, but with a better ending. That ending made me really depressed, lol.😂

"Sam, you can't keep drinking like this! It's completely unhealthy and in front of our kids? They are going to end up thinking their mom had a drinking problem!" Freddie yells at his wife. "Freddie, you can't tell me what to do." Sam says. "Unless you want to lose your husband, I suggest so." Freddie mutters. Sam's eyes widen in fear. "What did you say Fredward?" She asks, her voice shaking. "I said unless you want to lose your lawfully wedded husband, then listen to me." Freddie repeats, annoyed. Sam carefully hides the achol. "Jade, Hunter! Go to Miss Frances next door!" The two twins rush downstairs. "Kay mommy!" Jade says, tucking her blonde curls behind her ears. Sam kisses her cheek and shuts the door behind them before breaking down into tears. "Don't fake me Samantha." Freddie says. She blinks. "W-w-h-h-at?" She stutters, sniffling. "Your fake crying." Sam doesn't get the next sentence out before sobbing hysterically. It's then when Freddie realizes she's not faking. "Sam..." He says, and sits next to her. She buries her head in her knees. "Sam, Sam. What's wrong?" He asks. "That's what my dad told me before he left. He said i will never leave you Sam. Then days later, he yelled at my mom, "LISTEN TO ME UNLESS YOU WANT TO LOSE ME." And that was the last." She sobs, "Then, hearing you tell it to me...I just knew it." Sam explains. Freddie wraps her in his arms. "Baby, I couldn't leave you if I tried. You've been in my life too long. And I love you too much." Freddie says softly. "So you.." "Yes, I love you still. Parents get into fights rarely, this is one of our rare moments baby. Don't you ever think I don't love you." He says, before kissing her roughly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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