Chapter 12 - The Hawk is Back

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That same evil hawk was attacking Lucy again. I knew it was the exact same hawk since there was a burnt spot on the wing where I hit it last time. I held Lucy close to my chest with one arm while swatting away the hawk with my other arm. I could feel her tremble slightly and her claws clinging onto my arm for dear life. Damn, her claws hurt but I knew she was just scared so I dealt with the pain. 'I will protect you Lucy, like always' I thought. Happy tried chasing the hawk away but the hawk was only fixated on Lucy. "Why does this hawk only want Lucy?!" I asked out loud. "I don't know but he's definitely not having her" Gray replied, trying to shoot the hawk with his ice bow.

The hawk wouldn't leave us alone when suddenly we heard a high-pitched whistle. We looked around to find where the sound was coming from. The whistle sounded like it was coming from all directions. The hawk seemed to have stopped its attack and flew away. We stared at where the hawk flew off, confused. "We won!" I cheered, "aye!" Happy cheered. "No we didn't, someone called the hawk away" Gray stated, ruining our celebration as usual.

"Why do you have to ruin everything, Frosty?" I said. "Me? You're the one who always destroys everything, Flame-for-Brains!" Gray argued. "Oh yea? Wanna fight?" I challenged, "I'll take you head on!" he replied. We clashed our foreheads throwing insults at each other. After a few minutes of bickering, our stomachs including Happy's growled in unison. "We'll finish this after dinner" I grumbled, then we continued to my house.

When we arrived, Gray immediately went to check what food we have while Happy and I sat on the couch with Lucy on my lap. "You really need to stock up on food. How do you not starve?" Gray asked. I shrugged, "we usually eat at the guild" I said. He sighed, "well there's nothing we can eat here so what now?" Gray asked. "We could eat out" I suggested, "with Lucy? They might not allow cats" he replied. "Happy gets in all the time" I said, "good point" Gray replied. 'Score! One point to me!' I thought happily.

We went to one of the closest restaurants near my house called 'The King's Salmon'. Happy was literally drooling at the name and begged us to go in. It was a seafood place with a boat house themed interior. I had to hold Happy back before he tried to eat the fish in the restaurant's aquarium. We sat down at one of the compartments near the window. I placed Lucy on the table with Happy. Gray, Happy and I picked up our menus while Lucy played with the salt and pepper shakers. She accidently tipped the pepper shaker over and some pepper fell out of the shaker. Sniffing the unfamiliar black specs and she sneezed. The force of the sneeze made her fall on her butt. She used her paw to rub her irritated pink nose.

I scratched under her chin and she rolled over. I dangled my fingers over her and she played with my fingers while we waited for a waiter to take our order. The waitress in charge of our table came over to our table. "Good evening, my name is Judy and I'll be your server this evening" she greeted and then her eyes landed on Lucy. "Aw who is this cutie? Can I pet her please?" Judy asked with hearts in her eyes.

"Sure, her name is Lucy" I said, no harm in letting her pet Lucy. As I moved my fingers away from Lucy, she rolled herself onto her stomach and let Judy stroke her back. "Thank you, now what will you like to eat?" Judy asked with a big smile, holding her pen and notepad ready. Gray ordered the fish and chips and Happy ordered a huge salmon dish. I ordered nearly everything on the menu and ordered some milk and a raw tuna for Lucy.

She walked away to give the kitchen our order and we waited a while before our food was delivered to our table. I used one hand to feed Lucy while stuffing food into my face with the other. 'Lucy is becoming a spoiled little kitten' I thought. We ate some dessert afterwards and then left the restaurant after paying the bill. No drama happened on our way back to my house which was a relief. Lucy fell asleep in my arms sometime along the way.

As soon as we were inside my house it was already late so we decided to go to bed. I placed Lucy on her blue cushion and covered her in her little blanket. "Goodnight Lucy" I whispered before I jumped into my hammock. Happy landed on my stomach and fell asleep. I looked at Lucy from my hammock and wondered how we were going to turn her back to human Lucy. I missed going on jobs with human Lucy, who would laugh, smile and get angry with us.

My imagination ran wild as I imagined human Lucy wearing a sexy cat outfit. The outfit barely covered her body and she had cat ears and a tail. "Natsu nyaa~. Please hand-feed me nyaa~. Pet me Natsu nyaa~. Make me purr nyaa~" imagination Lucy said crawling on her hands and knees. I instantly had a massive explosion of a nose bleed at the thought. Heat rushed to my cheeks and my body heated up.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Happy exclaimed as he flew off my stomach. "Natsu?!" he complained, rubbing his burnt butt. "What did Flame Idiot do now?" Gray asked with an annoyed tone from being woken up. "Natsu burnt me!" Happy explained, "what the hell man... Why is your face so red?" he asked curiously. I instantly covered my face with my blanket to avoid Gray's and Happy's teasing. I was pretty sure my blush would put my hair to shame.

I felt something tug at my blanket hard but I didn't let go. "Oi Natsu! Why the hell are you hiding your face?" I heard Gray asked as he tugged. "Shut up, I'm not hiding!" I lied, "then...give me... the blanket" Gray groaned as he tried tugging my blanket. Unfortunately, I lost my grip and he was able to snatch it away from me. I jumped out of my hammock trying to snatch the blanket back but Gray tossed it up to Happy and he flew high enough that I couldn't reach him. 'Little traitor' I thought, "aren't you supposed to be on my side Happy?!" I exclaimed. "Payback for burning my tooshie" he replied.

"Argh! Fine you win" I grumbled, crossing my arms. "So~, why are you blushing?" Gray said with a smug look on his face. I was hesitant to tell them and I mumbled. "Sorry what was that?" Gray asked with a smirk. I mumbled again, "come on Natsu speak up" Happy said. "I IMAGINED LUCY IN A SEXY CAT OUTFIT THAT BARELY COVERED HER BODY!" I yelled. It took them both a while to register what I said.

3...2...1...and cue Gray's massive nose bleed. He collapsed in a puddle of his own blood. I think Gray was knocked out from the blood loss, but I was sure he would be fine in the morning. Happy was trying to hold in his laughter but failed. "You loooove~ her, don't you?" Happy teased but I stayed quiet. Seeing that I didn't deny it, Happy seemed excited. "I can't wait to tell Mira tomorrow!" he said and flew to the couch. He instantly went to sleep with a huge grin on his face. 'I'll deal with him tomorrow' I thought deviously before jumping into my hammock and falling asleep. 

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