Chapter 11 - Heat Wave

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I was chilling at the bar while I was watching Levy, Lisanna and Mira playing with Lucy on the bar counter. They were cooing to her as they scratched her tummy and behind her ears. Lucy looked spoiled with all the attention. Happy was sitting beside me on the bar counter staring down at the fish in his hands, sulking. "What's wrong little buddy?" I asked but before he could answer Wendy and Carla came over. "Are you ok Happy?" Wendy asked, "he's probably upset about something silly again" Carla said rolling her eyes. "Carla that's not nice" Wendy scolded, "Lucy is getting all the attention" Happy said with a pout.

"That again?! What would make you feel better?" I asked. He thought about it for a second, "I would feel better if Carla pet me" he answered. "No way!" Carla huffed and flew off. "Come back Carla! I'll give you my fish!" Happy called out, flying after her. Wendy giggled while I chuckled seeing Happy's change of mood. "I better follow them, see ya later Natsu" Wendy said waving as she left. "See ya later Wendy" I said, waving back.

As I watched her walk away, I felt something fluffy rub itself against my hand that was resting on the bar counter. I looked at my hand to see Lucy rubbing her head and body slowly against my hand. "Awwww!" the girls squealed and then I scratched under Lucy's jawline. She purred happily and I saw her back leg shaking. 'It seems I found her favourite spot' I thought.

Later that day, I was busy stuffing my face with food with Happy. Last time I saw Lucy, she was playing around with her ball of yarn. I decided to check up on her to make sure she was alright. Looking up from my food, I only saw the ball of yarn on the ground. 'Did Mira, Lisanna and Levy take Lucy?' I wondered as I looked for them around the guild. I spotted Mira serving drinks at the bar with Lisanna while Levy was reading beside Gajeel.

Now I was beginning to worry again, I quickly took the last bite of my spicy chicken pasta before looking for her. I looked all over the floor and under tables but couldn't find her until I walked by Gray's table. A golden fur ball with a blue bow was sleeping on his lap, "why is Lucy on your lap?" I asked. "She's too hot in this heat wave. My cold body temperature gives her comfort" he replied. I wanted to comfort Lucy myself but my abnormal body heat would make it worst in this heat wave. All I could do is sit next to him and watch Lucy.

Occasionally I would noticed she would twitch her nose or shuffle her body into a new comfortable position. Once she rolled over onto her back and had her mouth open with her tongue sticking out. "What a weird kitten" I chuckled, "it feels uncomfortable when you look at my crotch like that" Gray said. "I was looking at Lucy and why the hell would I look at your crotch?!" I shouted. "How would I know what's going on inside your head?" Gray said. I swear he was making fun of me and I didn't like it. "Grrr you know I wasn't looking there!" I shouted, "do I?" he retorted. Now I knew he was mocking me so I punched him in the face knocking him and Lucy to the ground.

Lucy meowed angrily, upset I abruptly woken her up from her nap. "Sorry Lucy" I apologised before a chair hit me. The force knocked me on the floor and I quickly recovered to fight him. One thing lead to another and a guild brawl happened. Elfman kept interrupting our fight, "that's manly!" he would always shout. We always punched him away whenever he shouted. Once we accidently punched him into Erza, she was fine but her cake wasn't. We didn't notice until we were knocked unconscious.

I woke up to two fluffy paws pushing against my cheek. 'Happy?' I wondered, I heard a worried meow and opened my eyes to see Lucy pushing against my cheek. Seeing I'm awake she got off my cheek and sat down as she started to stroke my cheek with her paw. "Were you worried about me Lucy?" I asked, bring my hand up and scratching her favourite spot. She purred happily at my touch.

"Awwww!" I heard from above me. I was still laying on the guild floor as I looked up. Mira was holding a lacrima with stars in her eyes, Lisanna and Levy were next to her with stars in their eyes. Gray was there with an annoying smirk on his face and Erza looked weirdly pleased as she looked at Lucy. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I asked curiously and they quickly scattered. "Hey! Answer my question!" I called out as I sat up.

Lucy lifted herself onto my thigh and meowed. I quickly forgot that everyone ran off and petted her head. I heard Mira, Lisanna and Levy squeal from the bar as they watched us. Now I was very confused, 'why did they squeal when I pet Lucy?' I wondered. I decided it's best not to ask them and took Lucy into my arms as I stood up.

It was about time to leave as the sun was starting to set. "Happy, time to go home!" I called out and he flew to my side. Gray heard me call Happy and followed us out the guild. The night breeze was cooling since today was extremely hot, well according to everyone. Lucy seemed relaxed in my arms. "Natsu, you're not going to replace me with Lucy, are you?" Happy asked. "What do you mean Happy?" I asked, "you're not going to replace me as your cat, right?" Happy asked. "No way little buddy, I won't let Lucy stay like this forever. Once we find whoever did this to her we can turn her human again and go on jobs like usual" I said. "Good because this cat is the only cat for you" Happy replied proudly, "you're an exceed" Gray stated. "Same thing!" Happy shouted then suddenly the hawk from before was swooping us, aiming for Lucy.

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