Chapter three: The climb

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We quickly put our things in our bags and began heading up the mountain, as we were doing it we made sure nobody saw us or we would be in big trouble. As we were headed up the mountain Jake said he heard something, and I just said it was probably scar or an animal walking by. Or at least that's what I hoped it was. The authorities sealed this place off for a reason. Weather it was because of scar... Or something else, I don't know. But whatever the reason, I'm really hoping it's not as bad as the rumours at school. "There it is again" Jake said, panic in his voice. "come on Jake-" I was interrupted by a loud grumbling sound followed by Jake's arm grabbing mine, "see I told you!". We looked up and there it was... a huge boulder heading straight for us. Jack's facial expression showed the shear fright and panic in his thought. I quickly grabbed Jakes arm and jumped behind a big snowy rock, tugging him behind it too. He looked around and waited for it to pass. He looked at me, his breathing heavy, and his arm clenching mine. He looked down and quickly took his arm off mine, letting the blood go back to my arm. "Sorry" he said with a startled look. "It's ok" I replied, taking a moment to get my breath back, "come on, we'll keep heading up" I said, motioning towards the the top of the mountain.

As we were heading up the mountain I noticed Jake starting to get nervous and scared. "It's ok Jake" I said "there's no need to get scared, we'll be fine". But in my mind I knew that there was no promising that we would get out of this alive. I had to admit though, even I was starting to get a little nervous and jumpy. Even the slightest sounds made us flinch as we ventured up the cold and gloomy mountain, getting more and more nervous with every step we took. Not knowing what lies ahead of us or what we were going to do once we were there. "What are we going to do once we're there?" Jake finally asked, as if reading my mind. "I guess we'll hide and see what's going on" I replied. Soon we saw two figures at the top of the mountain. One appeared to be holding something and the other was big and bulky looking hunched over and facing the other one. I guessed that that one must have been scar, but I couldn't make out the second one. It looked as though it was a person, i was itching with anticipation and fright. Wanting to see the creature that haunted me during the night. Leaving those cold and whining howls in my head for the rest of my life.

Peering through the crack in the rock, to our amazement we saw Scar, but he looked more scared then you would scary. And then we understood why, because standing in front of him was Liam, with his dad's gun loaded and pointing at Scar. So that's why he was scared, I thought. We had to think fast, what to do what to do. I quickly told Jake to tackle Liam while I distracted him. I jumped out from behind the rock and called out. "LIAM!" I exclaimed. He jumped back and dropped the gun, startled he tried to run and grab it but Jake kicked it out of the way and tackled Liam to the ground. He squirmed a little but Jake tightened his grip. I quickly took out my camera and took a photo of scar. Smiling as I saw his beautiful face. I realised I had the flash on and that I must of frightened him. Before I could do anything though, he ran away. Clambering back up the sloppy mountain and into the snow. He walked away eerily into the snowing background. As I was walking to Jake I thought about showing our discovery for a brief moment but snapped back to reality realising how stupid it would be if I go and tell people. They would just come and capture him, where they would take him back to a lab and run tests on him. I went and told Jake to let Liam go and he looked at my with confusion "but..." He started but then stopped and let go of his grip on Liam. Liam scrambled to his feet and ran over to his dad's gun, picking it up as he took off back down the mountain.

On our journey down the mountain we talked about what we were going to do now. As we got closer to the bottom we could see the huge boulder that nearly ran us over on our way up the mountain. As we reached the bottom Jake asked where I had hid the book, I replied "at my house under the bed". "Should we return it?" asked Jake. "I'm not sure." I said stopping to look at him. "I think we should keep it" I added on. "But won't the librarian make us return it?" Jake asked. "I've got a plan" I replied.

<A/N> okay so this one I edited a little bit... Cos it was really annoying me.

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