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although shuichi noticed that kaito and kokichi were beginning to get along again, he also noticed they were beginning to fight even more. the fights were almost daily at this point. and they were beginning to get physical. it was scaring shuichi, worrying him more than he should be. shuichi kept thinking about one thing he could do. reset his phone and run away. he didnt want to do it, but the fights were too much, and they never listened to him anyway when it came to this. in the middle of the night, shuichi snuck out of his room at about 2 am, picking up his phone and grabbing a good 3 sweaters. he put on sweatpants and went into his phone settings to reset it.

once it began resetting, he grabbed his portable charger and a backpack. he grabbed lots of food and drinks, shoving them into bags and putting them in his bookbag. the boy shoved clothes and his soft blanket into the bag as well. he grabbed his keys and laptop, shoved them in the bag, swung it onto his back, and ran out the door. he decided he would stay at kaede and miu's. It was rather cold outside, so he shivered as he ran down the street. kaede and miu's house just so happened to be the farthest house on their street. once he got there, he knocked on the door as he tried to catch his breath. the door eventually opened.

"okay shuichi, there better be a DAMN good reason your knocking on my door at 3 am!" miu snapped, glaring at him. "c...can i st-stay here...? I know it's a lot so sudden b-but...kokichi and k-kaito are fighting too much f-for me to handle..." shuichi mumbled, glancing at miu. she stood at the door way for a few moments before she sighed and opened the door more. "get in. i'll set up the couch." shuichi smiled and thanked her nervously as he walked in. the house was rather dark, but he understood why. miu threw a few pillows and blankets onto the couch.

"th-thank you again, miu..." shuichi said as he sat on the couch. "yeah, whatever. see you in the morning." miu replied, yawning as she walked upstairs. the boy laid down slowly, heaving a sigh. he pulled his soft blanket from the bag and laid it over himself. he curled up in a ball and cried himself to sleep


the next morning, kokichi woke up not knowing shuichi was gone. although, he didn't hear or smell anyone cooking, which is what shuichi usually did in the morning. kokichi went downstairs casually, until he didn't see shuichi in the kitchen. 'hmm? maybe he slept in~' kokichi thought with a giggle. he skipped up to saihara's room and peeked in, "shuichi~chaaaaan?" he chirped. there was no response. kokichi fully opened the door to reveal he was gone. "...shuichi?" the boy muttered. he thumped down the stairs and began frantically searching the house for the boy, screaming his name.   that's what woke kaito up. "what a wake up call..." he groaned, until he heard kokichi's desperate and sad screams of shuichi's name.

"what's wrong?!" kaito yelled, jumping up and following kokichis voice through the rather big house they lived in. "I CANT FIND SHUICHI ANYWHERE!" kokichi cried, falling to his knees. now kaito had seen him panic twice. "kokichi, kokichi, calm down!! we'll find him!!" kaito attempted to reassure him, hugging him. "h...how...?" kokichi mumbled. "we can track his phone?" the taller suggested. "i...i already t-tried...it won't t-track..." kokichi mumbled. that made kaito begin to panic. "we can go to everyone's h-houses to find him!" kaito said. kokichi slowly nodded and the two stood up, heading out the door. kokichi dried his tears as they visited each house. eventually, they got to miu and kaede's house. kaito knocked slowly. miu opened the door, looking like complete shit, "what the hell do you two want?" she snapped. "do you know where shuichi is?" kaito asked. that threw miu into a panic, completely waking her up. "i-i n-n-no! i have n-n-n-o d-d-damn idea wh-wh-where he i-i-is!!" she stuttered. kokichi narrowed his eyes. "you know something..." he muttered. kaede stepped in front of miu. "we don't know where shuichi is, i'm sorry. but we wish you luck in finding him!" she said with a rather reassuring smile. kaito slowly nodded and guided kokichi away, who glared at miu as they left.

shuichi had heard the whole thing from the couch. he instantly began bawling the moment the door closed, his tears falling fast. "oh, you poor thing..." kaede mumbled, walking over to him and hugging him. miu watched from behind the couch, heaving a quiet sigh. she leaned over the side, "do you want some tea or something, shui?" shui was a nickname miu made for shuichi when they were kids. they met at the park when miu fell off the slide and scraped her knee, which shuichi put a band-aid on. they had been best friends since. "y-y-yes...pl-ease..." he choked out, burying his face in kaede's shoulder. "cold?" miu asked. "...yeah..." shuichi muttered. miu went off to make shuichi his tea. kaede eventually let shuichi go, standing up and grabbing him more blankets and pillows. she dragged over the coffee table so he could put things on it. he only put his bag on it. he would randomly start sobbing time to time, so kaede had either miu or herself sit with him every hour or so. eventually, shuichi and miu fell asleep leaned against each other. getting shuichi's confidence back was gonna take lots of work.  and kaede and miu were willing to help him get that confidence back. no matter how much it took. no matter how much time it would take. 


word count: 970

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