Chapter eleven- Trying to set (Y/N) free: Part One.

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(A/N: just a warning, there will be some sensitive content such as kidnapping and violence. You've been warned, enjoy! 😊)

So it's a couple of days before New Years, I'm hella excited as we've got a great party planned. The boys are gonna be there, some of my other friends are gonna be there such as also my best friends and there's gonna be some of my family members as well.

I'm just chilling at home alone watching a movie on Netflix, eating some snacks, drinking some wine. When all of a sudden I hear a weird noise upstairs, I pause the movie and I get up grabbing my phone and a knife just in case it's a murderer, I mean last time something like this happened it was just Riley in the shower but just I gotta be cautious just in case it isn't Riley or any of the boys. I walk upstairs slowly and quietly with Riley's number on speed dial. I'm walking steadily one by one up the stairs, then I start hearing footsteps. I get a little scared but I reach to the top getting ready to use my knife, then next I hear the footsteps get closer to me. Then I feel someone behind me and they grab me real fast, things happen so fast. I somehow also dial Riley and he answers but I'm now knocked out by Klorafoam(idk if I spelt that right lol). The old trick by putting Klorafoam on a cloth then basically gagging someone with it.

::Riley's P.O.V::

I'm just chilling with Cameron, then (Y/N) calls me all of a sudden. I say "Hey". Then there's no reply and I continuously say "(Y/N)?! Hello?!". I stop for a minute hearing noises, I then hear a bunch of noises that sound like talking. I swear I even hear "let's go, Emily's waiting for us". I start freaking out and I look at Cam.

"Cam, bro, I think (Y/N) was just kidnapped" I say starting to panic.

He looks at me puzzled, but realises what I just said and he then says "wait WHAT?! Where is she?!".

"Last I heard she's at home.... alone... FUCK I knew that was a bad idea to leave her alone as from that weird thing that happened with Emily Christmas Day" I say almost losing it.

"Wait what thing with Emily?! As in your ex?!" Cam says getting panicky.

I then briefly explain what happened with Emily on Christmas Day.

"What the fuck! Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go find her, maybe call the police bro" Cam says all panicky.

"Maybe no police for now as they might threaten us..." I stop as I get interrupted by a text message from an "unknown number"

Unknown: Riley, if you wanna save your "girlfriend" or whatever she is, you better come alone and no cops either or she's DEAD!


I reply with: okay, I will come alone. I'll do whatever you say just please don't hurt her!

I then get up so fast, I grab some sort of weapon and grab my car keys and phone. Emily sends me the address. I tell Cam to come with but to stay in the car when we get there. We get in my car, Cam drives us to the destination. I tell Cam to call the police but make sure to tell them to act quietly when they get here. As we arrive I get out, I grab my phone and the weapon, but I hide the weapon in my clothing, I walk up the door and knock on, then there's no answer so I bang on it a few times. Someone finally answers it and it's a man in a weird mask, I tell him Emily told me to come meet her here. He lets me in and I walk in looking around, I also have my phone secretly recording. The man leads me up to a very strange looking door, he knocks on it using the door knocker then it opens and Emily is sitting at a brown desk.

"Emily?! What the hell is this?! This place could look like somewhere you sell drugs, why the hell did you take my girlfriend?!" I say in a stern voice.

She walks up to me and says "oh Riley... Riley... Riley... why so mean?! Your girlfriend is safe, she hasn't been harmed.... YET". She then evilly smirks at me and follows with "you see, I only did this for revenge as she has gotten everything I WANT including YOU".

"Okay well like I said, I'll do whatever you want me to do... I keep to my word" I say more sternly, but trying not to get angry.

"Awesome, we'll start with... hmmm" She says then she has a small think, then says "oh! I know! Take a selfie with me and act as my boyfriend for a PR stunt to them, they'll think we're actually dating, oh my! I can already see my followers blow up because of you!".

"So you want me to pose as your boyfriend? Like seriously that's the lamest thing I've heard... well okay fine, but after this release my actual girlfriend and let her go!".

She evilly smirks and chuckles, then says "you're so funny! You think it's THAT easy?! Well it's not! See for them to believe it you and (Y/N) have to publicly break up!".

I shake my head in disappointment, not wanting to do that.

I then say "why have you turned into this.... bossy.... arrogant.... bitch, you and I both know this isn't you! I know deep down you don't wanna do anything to harm me or (Y/N). Just please, somewhere in that heart of yours, just stop and let her go... if you wanna be in my life. Okay fine but we're only gonna be friends".

She sighs and has a moment to herself then evilly smirks again and says "nope! I've changed now! I'm not that shy, nice, innocent girl you know. I'm a different person now and I don't care what happens to her, she can fucking fall off the face of the earth!".

I groan in frustration as I don't know what to say now, I take the dumb selfie with her and say "okay I will do the public break up with (Y/N)" even though her and I aren't really dating, we're just a fling but I do really wanna date her so bad. I'm falling for her. HARD.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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