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"So,how are you Alìa?"Ârenan asked after eating his dinner."She's okay now,"Ifõra told him.
"Okay,babe,"He said,winking.

"Everyone,I have an announcement,"Deron told the six adolescents."What is it?"Gerïn asked.
"We have received a distress signal from a planet,Noron," He said"I will go to where the signal is projecting from tomorrow.For that time,Ârenan is in charge,".
Heræn sat in his bed that night,crying softly.Why did everyone hate him?He thought.
Secï heard someone sobbing in another room."Hello?"He asked,walking out into the metal corridor.The noise was coming from Heræn's bedroom.

"Um,Heræn?"Secï asked,walking into the room.Heræn was on his bed,sobbing."Hey,you okay?"Secï asked.
Alìa walked into Ârenan's room."Hey,"He told her.Ifõra was in the room too."So,what should we-,"Ifõra was cut off by a loud bang and Deron screaming.

"What was that?"Ârenan asked,walking into the corridor. He was shot by a blue beam and lay in the ground.Two droids,a B1 Battle Droid,Alìa recalled from one of her texts,picked him up and carried him away.

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