-Part 29-

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Katie's POV

After sitting there poolside with Shawn for a while, we decided that we should return to the company of the boys before they came to check on us.

It was comfortable silence as we walked down to the room from the elevator.

Neither of us had a key, but I told Shawn that I was really tired for some reason and that I needed to have a nap. He nodded and I walked down the hall unlocking Carter and I's door. I heard something and as I rounded the corner, I caught a glimpse of Carter with a girl, they were just standing in the middle of the room with their foreheads touching, mumbling whispers to each other.

I smiled and slowly left the room, not wanting to get into his business, I gently closed the door without a single noise, and headed back down the hall.

I knocked and Shawn answered.

"I thought you were napping? He questioned.

I laughed, "Carter's in there, can I nap in one of these rooms?" I asked as we walked into the suite.

"Sure," he said as he made his way to the couch, "just choose any one, they won't care," I nodded and headed towards the door closest to me, and gently opened it.

I walked over towards the bed, which was made, and payed on top of it, not wanting to mess up whoever's bed. I looked around the room which was tidily kept. The door creaked open.

I saw Nash walk in.

"You can use the blankets you know," he chuckled lightly as he grabbed his laptop off the small dresser.

"I just didn't want to mess up your bed," I said.

"You look really cold," he said before placing his laptop down and walking over to me, I was lightly shivering.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he touched my goose bump covered arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled. I didn't know why I was shivering, or why I was so tired, or why I was dizzy.

"Here take these," he walked over to a suitcase and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that was definitely too big for me, "it's warmer than what you have on."

"Are you sure?" I asked as I stood and took the clothes from his hands.

"Yeah, and have a good sleep," he said as he took his laptop and headed out of the room.

I grabbed his arm before he left and he looked at me, "Don't tell them that I'm not feeling great," he smiled and nodded, "thanks Nash," I said and he gently closed the door as he left. I slowly undressed and slipped his clothes on.

They smelt exactly like him, it was weird, but at least they smelt nice.

I crawled into the bed and pulled the duvet up to my neck and fell asleep.

It happened much quicker than it normally takes me to fall asleep.

I woke to darkness, with a bright moon creating the only light. I heard the door creak open.

It was Nash.

"Hey, are you doing alright?" He asked as he placed his laptop on the charger and grabbed some sweatpants out of his suitcase.

"Yeah, I can leave if your going to sleep," I said as I stood much too quickly, and felt extremely dizzy.

I placed a hand on my head.

"No, no, you can sleep in here, I will sleep on the other side, it's okay," he said as he quickly came over and sat me on the bed, noticing that something was wrong.

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