
Beginne am Anfang

"Namjoon, we're here. Jungkook you're the strong one, carry her." Seokjin said. Everyone left the car first then I was flung over this muscle pig's shoulder. Once we were out of the car my plan slipped into action. We faced a large mansion. All those years of martial arts are coming in handy now. I flung my legs around Jungkook's neck and he went down to the pavement and I ran as fast I could into the forest. "RUN AFTER HER, DON'T SHOOT, WE WANT HER ALIVE!" Namjoon roared. I put the knife into my jacket's hidden seem. I stepped through my arms to now my hands were in front of me.

(Jungkook in On anyone?)

I caught my breath and slumped against a tree. I saw a flashlight and started running again. I could see the road and police cars. I ran towards them and I saw someone I recognised, Kris Wu. I ran straight ahead. "KRIS-" I was pulled back and thrown to the floor. "Gotcha you little runaway. Come on, let's go." It was Yoongi. He grabbed me by my hair and I stumbled back to the mansion with him. "You're smart I'll give you that, but your not fast enough." Yoongi laughed as we approached the door. He scanned his fingerprint onto the keypad and kicked the door open. "LET ME GO!" I screamed. "Fine then, your wish is my command."

Yoongi threw me into a room near the entrance. "Stay in here." He said and locked the door. "LET ME OUT!" I banged on the door. "No." He said and called for Namjoon.  I took a run up and charged at the door and side kicked it down. Yoongi and Namjoon jumped up. "Why can't you just behave!" Yoongi came back and held his gun to me. "I'm calling my father now. Bring her up to my office, the others are already waiting." He said and ran up the stairs. Yoongi grabbed me by my hair and trailed me up the stairs to a huge office room.

"Namjoon, where is miss Ai Lucille??" The man I'm assuming is Namjoon's father asked. "Yoongi, bring her." Yoongi trailed me infront of the giant screen and threw me down onto the floor. I looked up shaking, at the man on the screen. I just realised the state I was in, I was cut and bruised all over and now my nose was bleeding. "You fool! What have you done to the poor girl! I gave you one job, bring her back to the mansion! Not rough her up to the point she's bruised and bloody!" His father screamed. "I though-" "You thought wrong son! She is very precious to our family, $10,000,000 in fact! She's to work with you boys, on missions. Give her the spare room, she's not allowed to leave, understand?" He commanded. "Yes father." Namjoon said to the screen.

"Miss Ai?" His father said and I looked up. "I'm Mr Kim, I am a mafia boss and my son runs this branch, you will be working with them from now on. Tasks such as receiving money off of people who owe it or being a hitman, everyone has there price. You will have the bedroom connected to Namjoon's for now, the boys will explain what we do a bit more in detail but for now my dear, welcome to the Bangtan estate." Mr Kim smiled and ended the video call. "I'll take her to her room." Namjoon said and helped me up. He took me to this grand room down the hall, it looked like something out of a palace.

"Please, take a seat." He said and gestured to the bed. I sat down and he went to the bathroom and came out with a first aid kit and then went to the closet and picked out a black T-shirt and black jogging bottoms. "They're mine, we'll get you some clothes of your own tomorrow. Just a heads up, in this house we wear things that are a majority black, so you'll wear the same. Almost like a uniform." He sat down next to me and I jumped back and hit the headboard. "Calm down. I'm only going to clean your wounds." He sighed and moved next to me.

He got a cotton ball and some tweezers and dipped it into some disinfectant. It stung and I flinched away. "Stay still." He grunted. I was still terrified. There was a large cut through my jeans on my thigh. "I think I can do that one myself?" I spoke up. "Why?" He asked. "Because I may be scared of you guys but if you get that close to my nono square, I will not hesitate to hurt you." You sat up and took the cotton and cleaned the wound. "You need to dress it." He said. "Yeah but not with you in the room." I said. He stood up and walked out of the room. I stood up and took off my jeans and put my left leg up on the bed and started to dress it. "Hey Ai, I left my phon- oh wow." Namjoon walking on me wearing only a T-shirt and a purple lace thong.

"GET OUT!" I threw a pillow at his face and he shut the door. I quickly put on the jogging bottoms and oversized tee. I picked up his phone and opened the door, his cheeks pink and there's a smirk on his face. "Here." I said and handed the phone to him. "Damn you do be packing some cheek." He laughed and bit his lip. I kicked him and closed the door. I walked to the window and tried to lift it but it's locked. Instead I went out to the balcony and looked out onto the horizon. "I think I'm in Incheon. I can see the sea." I sighed and rested on the balcony.

I thought all about the day, meeting Namjoon first thing this morning when he saved my life, seeing Yugeom then Jinwoo. When Yoongi walked into that shop I felt that dark presence. Running away and being followed, Via Lee hiding in the closet. And my mother being shot and I shot Jungkook and someone else. Now I'm here, held captive and a part of the mafia. Yet I still can't stop thinking about my mother, is she even alive? Tears stream down my face.


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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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