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My head pounded and I opened my eyes. I was resting on someone's lap. I looked around and we were in a large SUB it seems to be. Six men were here with me, I recognised one, Yoongi. The man from the store, the one when he walks into a room, the strong and unmistakable scent of tobacco overbears every other scent detectable.

"Well, that went rougher than planned." The man said. "Namjoon and I had just planned to get her at that store. I don't think your father will be too happy Namjoon. Lucinda was shot, possibly fatally." I froze. Everything was unfamiliar to me, earlier that day I was sitting in class like all the other students. Now, I'm lying in the back of a SUV, kidnapped by a bunch of men and my mother, possibly dying as I think.

Tears streamed down my face, trying to stay completely still and quiet, I'm so tense that only tears can escape from me. I soaked the trousers of the man I was lying on. My hair covered my face, but he looked down and saw the fear in my eyes. I could see the guilt in his. He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly. I let out a sigh and panicked, the man I was on covered it up with a cough.

I was tied up. My hands behind my back, my wrists encased in duct tape. My ankles and mouth as well. My tears continued to fall and soak the man's trousers. "So what do you think Namjoon? Is she your type?" Another voice said. "It doesn't matter if she's my type, my father picked her family so he must have something he wants with this girl." I'm even more terrified.

I'm going to be sold. I'm being trafficked.

The kind man saw the look in my eyes again and put his hand on my head. "Hey, what are you doing with the girl?" Yoongi asked. "A-Ah nothing hyung, she just looks peaceful sleeping." He smiled softly. He doesn't seem as dangerous as Namjoon and Yoongi. I know that there are others in this death mobile but they're pretty silent. "Namjoon, do you know why we had to take Miss Lucille away from her family?" A voice asked. I know this voice, it's from private school, but who?

"I don't. My father said he would explain her purpose when he returns from Manila in a few weeks. But I believe for the meantime she'll be held in captivity." Namjoon said puffed out a sigh. "I can't give her sympathy, because I don't know what she did exactly." He said. The man I was resting on responded, "Namjoon, she's a 17 year old girl, who attended a private school called Busan College, she was just ripped violently away from her family and her mother shot infront of her. I think you can spare some sympathy!" He snapped back. "Hoseok, I cannot offer her sympathy. For all we know, she murdered someone." Namjoon replied.

Hoseok? That's his name?

"Wait, did you say Busan College?" One voice asked. "Yeah, the one in Seoul that is." Hoseok replied. "Jimin may know her then, I don't remember anyone called 'Ai Lucille' but maybe he will."

Jeon Jungkook! That was the man, I'd recognise that little lisp anywhere.

"Hyung, were nearly there." I gulped. This is it Ai, you're being sold. You tried to wiggle your legs free. "Looks like she's awake." You look up at Hoseok. "No, she's still asleep, she must of moved in her sleep." The tension in the car deflates. "Seokjin, turn on some music, and go the A6 route. PD Nim said that there's police on the A4." Namjoon said looking at his phone. "Ok boss." A voice said from further away.

Suddenly the car went completely dark because of the scenic route. This was my chance, I had a knife in my boot. The music was loud enough for them not to hear me. I bent my legs up behind me, and got the knife from my boot. I sliced away at the tape around my ankles. Hoseok felt this and raised and grabbed my arm. I nuzzled into his thigh. I now realised what I just created. Tension. He let out a heavy breath and I continued to cut the tape and I was through. I slipped the knife back into my boot and waited for the car to stop.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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Bloodlines || Kim Namjoon (Gang/ Mafia AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz