CHAPTER 6: First Date

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Peyton's POV

Once we got behind the gate, Paul sent us straight back to the boys dressing room. We were greeted by a very sweaty Louis who decided

it was a great idea to hug us.

"WOW I MISSED YOU GUYS! Did you guys see us when we floated over the audience like WOAH that was crazy! And when that girl

threw her bra onstage...."

"Louis!" I had to interrupt him. "Calm down!" I said giggling.

Once we were all relaxed, I saw Madi and Harry off in the corner giggling and chatting with each other and I noticed that Niall wasn't in

the room.

I turned to Zayn because he was sitting the closest to me.

"Hey Zayn? Have you seen Niall?"

"Oh you miss him already?" I blushed. He laughed. "No worries Peyton. He totally fancies you! In fact, he just texted me and he wants you to meet him on the main stage in five minutes. You better get going!"

I quickly thanked Zayn and walked briskly towards the main stage, not wanting to make Niall wait.

Is what Zayn said true? Does Niall really fancy me?

Once I arrived at the stage I was taken away by what was waiting for me there.

Niall's POV

After we left the stage, I was the first lad back in the dressing room. I then splashed some water on my face to take some of the sweat off

and changed into nicer clothes.

Then I grabbed the basket and took the short cut to the main stage. After I made sure everyone was out of the arena and Liam has

texted me saying that Peyton was him the dressing room, I laid out the blankets and lit the candles.

I set up two plates full of delicious foods that I couldn't wait to eat and tried to make everything look great.

Just as I finished I got a text from Zayn saying:

Pey is on her way up! Good luck brah! ;P

I stood up and fiddled with the buttons on my jacket and looked up just in time to see the most gorgeous girl ever walking up the steps

towards me.

Peyton's POV

He made me a picnic.

A gorgeous, sweet, thought out picnic.

This was the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me.

I walked up the steps gawking at the scene and then Niall looked up and smiled at me and I melted.

He strolled confidently over to me, beaming the whole time.

"Wow," he said, just looking at me.

"Ugh I know I look like a mess but you can blame Louis, he was all sweaty and....," he cut me off.

"No no no! I said wow because, well, wow. You're gorgeous."

I blushed crimson red and probably looked like tomato.

"It's a good thing you got here so quickly," he laughed, "because I was seriously debating if I should eat all this myself or save anything

for you because I am starving."

"Me too Horan. Getting whipped by blonde weaves the whole concert can really take the energy out of someone," I replied.

He laughed and said he saw those girls towards the front. He said they were the ones who threw their bras onto the stage.

We laughed for hours and sat on the stage eating and just enjoying each other's company.

Towards 1:45 am Niall looked at his watch and said, "Shit. It's almost two in the morning! I totally lost track of time, I'm sorry."

"Niall don't worry about it!" I reassured him. "I'm staying with Madison anyways."

"Oh, we'll tell her I'm sorry I kept you out so late."

"I'm sure she won't mind. Her and Harry were drooling over each other when I left," I giggled.

"Yeah, I think he fancies her quite a bit," he smiled back.

Just then we looked up at each other and I met his blue eyes with my hazel ones.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," Niall half whispered, half mumbled.

I saw him look down at my lips, them back up at my eyes.

"Yea uh yea same here..." I stuttered.

He began to lean in so I did too.

It was going to happen.

I closed my eyes.

One foot.


We were a centimeter apart.....

*WHOOPS! I guess you'll just have to wait!*

PS. I am soooooo sorry for not updated at all!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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