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"Look how mischievous times can be,

Showing dreams to an innocent heart

And then tearing it silently apart

The noise that it made while breaking – none heard it but I

They still echo in my ears

Flowing as invisible tears

The world will never know what just happened

And we shall pretend our hearts had never existed"

"Wah, dada ! What beautiful lines have you written !", Raasbihari babu exclaimed, stuffing yet another paan in his mouth from his steel box. His matte brownish red lips widened enough to produce a smile that complimented his brownish red half coat. 

"Thank you! Thank you ! That is just half way through the first chapter. I am still working on it. Hopefully, you will love it even more once the book is completed. I will give you a copy for sure. Want another cup of tea ?"

"No, no ! Not at all. I have already had two cups. Anyways, it's already quite late. I don't want to trouble you."  

"It is absolutely no trouble. Wait, let me prepare a cup of tea for you. Sit down on the sofa. Have another cup before you leave."

Laxman got up swiftly before his guest and hinted him to sit back. He rushed back to the kitchen and put the saucepan on the stove. He stretched his muscular arm to reach out to the corner of the top shelve where his naive maid, Sarla had kept the tea box despite being asked not to do so for so many times, before .  It was a humid May night. The cool land breeze provided some relief in the darkness as he involuntarily he shook his T-shirt that glued with his well built perspiring, torso every now and then.  

"Please be careful ! There is water spilled on the floor over there. Watch your steps !"

Ras babu seated himself on the wooden chair comfortably much to the relief of his host. "Laxman, can I ask you something if you don't mind ? "

"Yes, ask."

"When I see a young, talented and famous celebrity writer like you struggling in the kitchen at ten pm to make a cup of tea, something irks me. I mean you have everything - money,fame,work and even good looks. Why are you still unmarried ? Didn't you find anyone ?" 

Laxman poured the tea through the strainer, pretending he didn't listen to the question. He held out the cup of tea to his guest, who watched for his reaction eagerly notwithstanding the darkness.

"Hmm...why ? Any reason ? If you want, I know few of my relatives who are looking for an able bridesmaid. If you want, I can recommend them your..."

"Rasbihari babu, let us not talk about that. I think I am not ready for it. Thank you."He closed his fist in tension as his biceps bulged slightly. His other hand adjusted his mane over his ears as he crossed his leg over his thigh, giving an expressionless glance to his guest. Clearly he wasn't amused by the query. Silence prevailed for next ten minutes. Gulping the last drops of tea, Ras babu got up and turned to   Laxman.

"Okay, time for me to go. Let me know when your book releases. Will love to read it. "

He nearly stumbled over the sofa had Laxman not held his hands and guided him through the dark. Just as he stepped out of the door, he turned up. Though Laxman could only see the silhouette of his bulky guest, he heard him saying, " Think over what I said. Good night."

"Why don't I get married ? As if marriage is a make-belief game of children. Rubbish"

It had been two hours since the electricity went off but sleep was slowly taking over him. He retired to his bed as he took out his phone from his pocket. 

"Tomorrow - Appointment with Riya"

He turned off his phone and closed his eyes. His thoughts were straying and pestering him like a bunch of mosquitos tormenting incessantly. Each time, he avoided them they still hovered there, seeking an answer. 

"Why am I still away from love ? Am I not ready or...."   

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