Chapter 66

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Kelton gave up fighting. Yanda was going to handle his hair, or life was going to become less enjoyable. She had him washing, and now she piled grooming onto the morning activities. Already, his red hair had been shortened, trimmed to shoulder length, and now she was twisting strands of it together. Var'que she called it. He called it girly. What was once free flowing like the wind was weaved into heavier portions, each tied off at the ends to lay still down his head. His copper collar was less irritating.

Filgot had laid down the law the evening prior, which helped to sour Kelton's mood. It seemed the whole city was talking about the vicious sword-wheeling picture mind. Repeatedly, Kelton vowed to never touch a blade to no avail. Filgot lacked the trust necessary to accept his word. Entering any of the kitchens, or any other building containing a blade, now required a guard. He could have fought the restrictions, probably get his new masters to overturn them. He decided it wasn't a good idea to anger Filgot. Security was the man's concern, and what happened on the ship wasn't Filgot's fault. Time would cure it. Hopefully, it was the last remnant of the curse that had followed Kelton since the Choosing.

"Oh...good," Yanda said as she stepped away from the bed to look at her handiwork. One of her new words. Working for Glenda was increasing her knowledge of Kelton's language faster then Kelton could learn hers.

"Yeacum," Kelton replied, flicking the braids with his hand. The word meant girl, or woman, or something close to them. Yanda laughed and shook her head. It was hard to argue with a naked woman, especially when he had already let her do the weaving. Yanda took his hand, making him stand as she examined her work from multiple directions. She was pleased.

"Mayhap, I'll shave it all off and save time in the morning," Kelton said. The words were wasted on Yanda, though she understood the tone. She gave him another smile, softer this time. She pulled his head down and kissed his forehead. Kelton decided to not shave his head. It was a small price to pay if she found the task so pleasing.

The looks at the morning meal were uncomfortable. Yanda sat proudly next to Kelton eating gravied bread. Kelton pretended he wasn't the topic of conversation, but could tell his hair was being discussed at length. It was difficult to know if they thought it funny or just odd. Maybe shaving his head wasn't a bad idea.

"That looks difficult to do," Vasco said as he sat down. There was a smirk on his face that made it feel more like an insult.

"She did it," Kelton said, tilting his head to Yanda. Vasco discussed the hairdo with Yanda for a moment, his eyebrows arching.

"When a Sorinnian boy reaches manhood, it is signified by a female relative weaving his hair," Vasco said. "Yanda says you are a better man than many she has known. Since you don't have a family, it falls on her to show it to the world." Yanda gave Kelton a quick smile, then returned her attention to her food.

"A man?" Kelton stammered. He grabbed one of the braids and pulled it in front of his eyes. "I thought it girly."

"Not to Yanda," Vasco said with a shrug. "My knowledge of her culture is limited, but I think it is a proud moment for her. The standing of the women in her land is somewhat based on the men who venerate them. She sees her standing increased because you value her. In turn, she made you look girly." Vasco laughed.

"A man," Kelton whispered to himself, ignoring Vasco's humor. He looked at Yanda. She was smart enough to know the difference between a man and a boy. She had seen him clothless as well. He smiled. It didn't matter what anyone else thought about his hair. Men don't worry about such things. Kelton sat up straighter, more like a man.

"Sorry," Vasco said when his laughter died down. "The weaving was meant as a compliment, and it does look better than that unruly nest you wore before. She'll probably work on the fuzz on your chin next."

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