Chapter 172

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Kelton walked across the field with Juno at his side. They were flanked by Verdi and five other guards, giving the impression the two were as much prisoners as guests. It was an intentional act to slow any dissent that may be brewing. The truth of Kelton's lineage may have already begun to leak. Spider's-bite was carried on Verdi's back, upside down and hidden behind a cloak to further the ruse. Juno thought it better to approach unarmed.

"So many," Kelton said as he took in the arrayed force they approached.

"Aragonians all," Juno said. "They will see what I see. You need but remind them who they are."

"Did I tell you how fine that dress looks upon you?" Kelton said. He let his smile free. Better to think on Juno than what was to come.

"Does it?" Juno said as if she had not noticed the attention the clothes demanded. "I only thought it clean, better than my other skirts that have seen more dirt than water." A snicker escaped from Verdi. Kelton noticed the other guards fighting grins as well.

"Clean, you say," Kelton said. "So my desire to hide your visage from other men is a foolish one?"

"Foolish it is," Juno said. "Verdi, you would not give this dress a second look, would you?"

"I watched my prince swing his swords this morn," Verdi replied. "Forgive me, my lady, if I refuse to answer." The other guards chuckled.

"And what of your tunic?" Juno said, her smile no longer hiding. "Mayhap I should be the worrier." She had as much show in her as did Kelton. A good thing because Kelton knew he needed her next to him. Never had he spoken to so many, and all having never seen him before.

"Have no worry, my lady," Kelton said. "There is but one woman whose hooks are set deeply in my heart." He paused, letting the idea sink in, then added. "Mayhap I shall tell you her name one day." His smile was a useless shield for the loving slap on his arm. The guards lost all sense of the seriousness they desired to project.

"Straighten," Verdi ordered, though his chuckle did little to enforce the command. Kelton thought it a perfect release, letting his pent-up solemnness escape into the world. He could never truly be a prince like Sandatic Victalica, at least not all the time. Happiness needs to rule now and again. Nobility demanded constant stiffness - another reason that crowns held no appeal.

The guards shifted almost as one, from lax to rigid soldiers. Kelton saw his father, hands on hips, staring at the group as if they had just burnt down the castle. Even in rebelling, Verdi and his guards were still soldiers. Their pride ruled.

"Your father looks angry," Juno said.

"Aye," Kelton agreed. "Is it not a child's duty to upset their parents? It is new to me, but it seems to come easy."

They neared without further words. The grim King stood upon a makeshift platform constructed of planks atop barrels, in front of which were the organized ranks of the army. There were a group of men off to the side, aged and dressed finer than the soldiers - hold lords. Each of them watched the approaching party, a few with scowls, the others with curiosity. Two lines of men flanking the platform, each armed, unlike the King and the hold lords. More of Verdi's men, or true King's Men now. Perhaps it was not the best time for humor.

Kelton's father looked down at him, his expression bland. "They are gathered as you requested," he announced. It was meant for the Hold Lords' ears. They had been told it was part of the agreement; Kelton desired to speak to the army and would then end the coming battle. "They are true to the Goddess, so your words will fall on deaf ears."

"I say again, it is a foolish agreement, my King," one of the Hold Lords said. A heavy-set man with a full beard of coal-black curled hair that defied the age of his wrinkled eyes. The honorific was spoken with distaste. Kelton could see that some, but not all, agreed with the man.

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