Chapter 45

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Fingers slid over a plate with hard-dried cheese. Kelton cut off a slice and added it to the chunk of fresh bread he had torn off the loaf resting in the middle of the table. The bread was still warm, the sweetest he had tasted in a long time. The fluffy innards melted in his mouth, pleasantly mixing with the sharp cheese.

"The captain sails an un-flagged ship," Fingers said, his mouth full of half-chewed bread. "No flagged captain would agree to such a thing; too much to lose. Captain Sebastian, on the other hand, has everything to gain. Transporting you will give him the coin to buy his flag."

"What is a flag?" Kelton asked.

"It is a cloth with a symbol that is hung high on a ship," Fingers said as he reached for another chunk of bread. "There's no King's Own, or their like, on the waters. A flag extends the land to the ship, sort of making it part of the country whose symbol is on it. A flagged ship has protection or is at least afforded retribution, if accosted. An un-flagged ship has no such protections, even if moored in port. It is confusing, and I don't know exactly how it works." He waved a chunk of bread around as he spoke. "Imagining there is something beyond Argonia is difficult enough. More so that there are laws different than laid out by the Brethren." Fingers chuckled. "I am told that in most places, the Brethren hold no sway at all."

"It must be a perfect land." Kelton took another bite of the bread. He decided that fresh bread was one of the better pleasures in life. A close second to a kiss.

"They don't speak of it as such. I figure all places have problems, though I suspect it is worst here." Fingers shrugged his shoulders. "Mayhap, it is worse out there. Wish I was you and could find out."

"If you always eat bread like this, I will trade you my skin," Kelton said, slushing the words through an unchewed mouthful.

"Only in the morning. And only if Gorthow wishes to impress a guest," Finger said, pointing his half-eaten chunk at Kelton. "Usually, I prefer my sleep."

"If you wish to leave, why haven't you?"

"Didn't think it possible. Attempts had failed many times, long before my mother birthed me. There is rarely cargo leaving the port, only arriving. A person would have to hide in the freshwater or other foodstuffs, loaded mostly for the crews. A difficult thing when the Brethren examine it all."

"The Brethren watch the port?"

"Most closely. Nothing passes uninspected," Fingers said, nodding his head as he cut a slice of cheese. "We planned to sneak you in a barrel lined like the hide-hole." He smiled. "The lining is not necessary now that we know you're Unseen. Saves a lot of coin."

"In a barrel?"

"Aye. A water barrel," Fingers said as he shoved bread and cheese in his mouth. He chewed a moment before he continued. "You will be in the bottom, and an inner lid will be sealed above you, then water will be added on top. If they choose to open it, no one is the wiser."

"I will drown," Kelton said.

"Nay. We've worked at it, and the bottom stays dry enough. Even have a small knot you can remove to freshen the air." Fingers laughed. "You will be sore. Being crunched up for a time isn't friendly to the bones."

"What if they prob the water, with a sword or something?"

"Then they find it false, and you are done." Fingers lost his smile. "As the wagon master, I will share that fate." Kelton could see the seriousness in Fingers' eyes. It would be the second time the man would risk his life for Kelton. Jutney had risked much as well, crossing the city to the Seven, then back again to the tavern. The Seven assured Kelton that they were both paid well. Still, Kelton felt he owed them all something. The risks were large for people he only just met.

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