Leaving for Home

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"Ok reason number 25 on why you shouldn't go. This is you and Sam's first holiday together it's a big deal. You know should be filled with cuddles, the fireplace, maybe get a little risky with a competitive board game. Not you being all the way on the other side of country!" Corey said following Beatrice as she packed her bags.

"You know I'd thought that would be lower on this list." Beatrice said not minding Corey's ranting about her leaving. She saw it coming.

"Ok you want me to get real. Reason number 26 why you shouldn't go. This is Sam's first Christmas without his girlfriend of two years. He's gonna get all sad and no one likes to see a sad Samuel I repeat no one." Corey said walking over to her bed as she stuffed clothes into her suitcase.

"Say Corey don't you have some random YouTube video you should be filming?" Beatrice asked looking up at him for the first time.

"Nope I uploaded last night you fake fan. Now reason number 27 why you shouldn't go. Who is going to keep all of us in check when you are gone? We lost uncle Elton we can't lose you too. The Christmas tree is going to catch on fire!" Corey said. 

"And how would you manage to do that?" Beatrice asked focusing back on her packing.

"I don't know, maybe Colby is trying to juggle fire balls." Corey said.

"Hate to tell you, I highly doubt Colby would have any reason to juggle fire balls." Beatrice said trying to zip her bag but not having much luck.

"Well you my friend haven't met David Dobrik." Corey said.

"Who?" Beatrice asked then motioned for Corey to help her zip her suit case.

"One of the craziest youtubers out there you uncultured swine." Corey said sitting down on her suitcase.

"Well sorry I don't waste my life in front of a screen." Beatrice said zipping her suitcase shut finally.

"Now you see I take offense to that. But back to my rant. Reason number 28 on why you shouldn't go. Think of all the sweet romantic movie scenes that could happen with you and Sam." Corey said.

"Ok now you are running out of reasons." Beatrice said putting her suitcase on the ground and pulling up the handle.

"No come on you know, sitting at a restaurant, the snow coming down outside. And oh look who's behind you. Your friendly neighborhood boyfriend Sam, with the biggest smile on his face as he wishes you a merry Christmas with flowers in his hands. His cheeks rosey from the cold weather outside.-"

"Wait what kind of flowers?" Beatrice interrupted.

"Um.......lilacs." Corey said.

"Welp see there you go can't have that I'm allergic to lilacs." Beatrice said shrugging her shoulders. "Also are you sure you don't write fan fiction in your free time cause if not you should start." Beatrice said.

"Ok maybe I write secret Sam fanfics every Friday at ten but that doesn't mean anything. Bottom line is you shouldn't leave. Sam is going to need you more than ever right now to get him into the new year without him slipping into his little depression corner." Corey said following Beatrice once again as she walked out of her room wheeling her suitcase behind her. "Bea please." He said grabbing her arm causing her to quickly turn around. "We just got Sam back. And I know I speak for all of us when I say, we really don't want to lose him again." Corey sighed.

"Corey I'm sorry, I really am. But I can't get out of this. That was my one promise to my family; that if I move out to the big city, I would have to come back for Christmas." Beatrice said. That's when Sam walked out of his room causing Corey to quickly let go of Beatrice.

Out Of The Darkness जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें