Colds and ship names

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Well Sam and Beatrice said they would tell the house that next day, but that quickly changed when Beatrice's cold got worse. She ended up staying home the next three days. Sam would call her to see if she was getting better, but she seemed to be getting somehow worse. Finally on the fourth day Sam decided to go check on her.

"Hey Guys I'm going to the gym I'll be back later." Sam said.

"Sounds good me and Amara will just be filming." Corey said from the couch. Sam got into his car and tried his best to remember where she lived, only have being there once before he didn't even drive. He finally found it and knocked on the door.

Beatrice who was in bed with a terrible fever, sat up hearing the knock not knowing who it was. She threw her hair up and coughed before answering the door.

"Sam?" She questioned, her voice barely there for how bad her throat hurt.

"Hey, I just wanted to come check on you, I was getting worried since you aren't getting better." Sam said putting his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"Yeah I know I'm, seriously feeling terrible." She said turning around and coughing behind the door and then looking back at Sam.

"Well what medicine have you been taking? Maybe you need something different." Sam asked.

"I...I haven't been taking anything actually." She said looking down.

"I'm sorry?" He asked not believing his ears.

"God I didn't want us to have this talk this soon." She sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked now concerned.

"Come In." She sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Beatrice, whats going on?" He asked sitting across from her.

"Well...let's just say...that recently." She paused and sighed. "I've been having problems." She said softly looking down. Sam looked down and then back up at her.

"I cannot physically find a job anywhere meaning I get no money. Of course my family is helping me as much as they can but, with my landlord upping my rent and then the sickness on top of that, my family want me to move home because I can't even take care of myself." She sighed quickly wiping her eyes trying not to be emotional.

"Beatrice..." Sam sighed.

"Like I can't even afford some off brand medicine that's how bad this is." She said about to break down. Sam said nothing. He stood up and sat next to her and just engulfed her into the biggest hug.

"I'm going to get you sick." She said hugging him back.

"Rule number one of being in a relationship, getting through the hardest times. The last thing I care about is catching some stupid cold." Sam said softly and continued to hug her. Beatrice just sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You know I'm not letting you leave la right?" He softly giggled.

"You can't support both me and you Sam don't be crazy." She laughed letting go of him and wiping her eyes again.

"No but. For now, I'm going to the store, I'm getting you enough medicine for the next 100 years, getting soup because that's what my mom made me eat every time I was sick. And I'm going to find you a job." Sam said fixing his hat.

"Sam I-"

"Oh no don't you try and stop me. I'll be back in twenty minutes." He said running out of the house. And like he said, twenty minutes went by and he was back.

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