Eclipse, arise!

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In a large conference room, four men sit in chairs surrounding a map of the remaining west coast of the US, the west coast consists of Washington, Oregon, California,
Nevada, Idaho, and Arizona. Anything east of that is either, no man's land or Axis territory. The four men consist of the well known, Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito
Mussolini of Italy, Emperor Hirohitoof Japan, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet union.  
“Why bother with a strategic attack, these poor fools stand no chance against even Italy”
Stalin spoke first in a great Russian accent.
“I agree… not to say that your army is terrible… but the Italian army is mostly cannon fodder” Hirohitoof continued in his Japanese accent.
“That's not nice is it?” Mussolini responded in a Italian accent, slightly upset.
“Then it's settled! Mussolini’s army will take down the remaining Allied powers and grant
us the final victory” Hitler stands up yeeling out this command in a German accent “all in favor say aye!”
“Aye!” respond the other three leaders.
“Atleast i get to deliver the final blow” Mussolini says with a slight grin.
“You will mobilize your troops tomorrow, at sundown” Hitler commands.
“IT SHALL BE DONE!!” Mussolini stands up, salutes, and leaves.
On the american side, there is a small town in California near the shoreline by the name of ‘Crescent City’. There, a 25 year old man owns a small coffee shop by the name of Chocolate Onion (it’s supposed to look like a kiss chocolate candy, now it looks more like an onion). It’s now well around 8:30 PM, it’s as cold as a wintery snow storm, making it not safe to go outside. But people need to survive, and have food to live, so the Chocolate Onion coffee shop has become a makeshift hotel. Though not many rooms available, the guests are able to sleep in the main too. But today, their sleep may be interrupted by steel titans raining hellfire from mountain heights with no remorse for any life not aligned with them. Trippy, the shop owner that has a TV on his head, has finally finished locking up the shop, keeping the refugees in need inside the warm and stable coffee shop. On his way home, in his grey sweater and white scarf, he walks up the street, steadily walking through harsh winds and into his home. When he arrives, he opens it and walks inside. Its a large, and i mean LARGE, house that he has somehow built himself some unknown time ago. When Trippy flopped over on his couch his TV, the one at the front of his living room, has turned on and played the local news. Somehow, some networks are still broadcasting the news as if the war is just something not to worry much about. He flicks past the channels using his TV head as a controller. When he sees a short glimpse of a Italian mecha, he quickly switches back to that channel.
“BREAKING NEWS!!” the news reporter yells into his microphone “We have just received a notice from the Central powers about a declaration of war on the remaining US regions. It seems like the Axis no longer fears defeat as we ARE too weak to fight back-” Trippy turns off the TV.
“Let’s see how weak we really are after today” Trippy says to himself while speaking to himself in the reflection and eating a bowl of cereal. Very angrily.
Loud booms go off outside, Trippy goes to take a look, it seems the news reporter was just a little too late. The Italian army is ALREADY attacking, the landing boats are already deploying soldiers and mecha units on the shoreline. Our home town troops are in small numbers, but march out anyways in an attempt to repel the attack. From what can be seen, there are three common units and the well known ‘American Maiden’ on the defending side. On the other hand, there are only two MASSIVE mechs, and seven other common units. On the ground, there are at least 400 ground soldiers storming the city. After a few long minutes, both sides start to begin their battle. The common types begin to fight each other off, but the American mechs being outnumbered, four of the seven common types begin to destroy the city, the citizens scurry out as fast as they can.
“HAHAHA!!! They’re just like cockroaches!!” yells out one of the pilots in the Italian mecha.
“Just kill em’ all and let’s get this over with!” calls out another pilot “we don’t need prisoners as pitiful as these!”
The four large humanoid machines fire their large machine guns at the many citizens bellow them. The citizens scream in agony as their bodies are just torn apart by either, the football sized bullets, or the large clumps of cement and asphalt that crushes them mercilessly.
The three American mechs fight the other three tirelessly, but even though the Italian machines are considered as cannon fodder, they easily overpower the American machines and push them aside. Allowing them to destroy the other half of the city the other four missed.
The American Maiden, even though it is greatly stronger, is also being overpowered by the two large enemy machines. She attempts to block any and all opposing attacks, but it only leaves her staggered by the sheer brute force of the taller and stronger machines.
“Units 1-4!” the American Maiden calls out “do your machines still function!?”
“Negative ma’am, if they did, we would still be fighting, but THEN be permanently out of commision” responds one of the American pilots.
“I’m still functional ma’am, should i continue my attempt to hold back the attack?” calls out a pilot as he stands his machine up sluggishly.

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