↠Death Among Us - 020

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― D E A T H   A M O N G   U S ―

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― D E A T H A M O N G U S ―

To say that the Queen of England wasn't on a mission was stupidity at this point. The relationship between Slytherin and Gryffindor had gone from enemies to something much worse. Death Eaters all over England, Scotland, and Ireland were being arrested under the Queens and Ministry' orders. Children of said Death Eaters were furious. But Sage could care less. Over the course of 5 months, over 200 people had become victims of the Dark Lord and his followers.

What truly brought the situation to light for the Students and Hogwarts was when a fellow classmate had been found with the Dark Mark. Her name was Leona Reinhardt. she had come from a Pure-Blooded family that lived in Germany during World War II and came to Britain after the war had been lost. Leona was a quiet 7th year Slytherin, who was of age in the eyes of the Ministry.

Her friends had been concerned when she did not board the Hogwarts Express on September 1st, but quickly found out why. Her parents, who were also arrested, were helping her carry out a mission for Lord Voldemort and were going to send her in after, claiming that she had an illness. This revelation of their arrested house-mate and her family only enraged the Slytherins more.

― ― ―

Sage felt like she was going to scream. She felt like the world was against her at this very moment. The war was escalating quickly and at the very center of it three people. The Minister of magic, Lord Voldemort, and herself. Two against one. But the two were still losing. "Sage," A soft voice called out her name.

Turning around, Sage came face-to-face with Remus Lupin. "Oh! Perfect timing! I think I found something that will help with your scaring. It's a potion made in Asia, it's illegal in Britain because of stupid trading reasons, but I'm sure I can get my hands on it," Sage handed Remus a book with the information. "You don't have to do this," Remus whispered as he read the page.

"Are you okay?" Sage couldn't help but feel concerned. Remus didn't seem like his usual self. "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine. Just tired, and stressed out from school, and with the full moon with week... Its just been a lot," The young Queen pulled her friend into a hug. She held him for a few seconds before he hugged her back. "One day, you won't have to worry about school, and about the full moon, and you'll just get to focus on yourself,"

Remus put his head on her shoulder and took a deep breath. "I'm also worried about you," He told her. Sage shook her head and pulled away from him. "Don't worry about me, what's going on is my problem, I made my own decisions," Remus looked at her with guilt. "My whole werewolf problem is my own, I didn't ask the boys or you to help me. Why can't we do the same with you?" Remus tried to compare.

"Because, Remus, you never asked to be a werewolf. It was forced on you. I made this choice, and now I must face the challenges that come with it." Sage walked away from Remus and towards the Gryffindor fireplace. The heat the flames were emitting was comforting to Sage. "When are you going to bed?" Remus asked her. "Soon," Was all Sage responded with.

After Remus made his leave, Sage sighed and sat down on the wooden floor.

― ― ―

Sleep never found the Queen. Instead, she walked around the castle grounds hopelessly. After some time, Sage ended up in the Astronomy tower. Her bare feet made no sound as she walked up the steps. Sage stopped when she saw someone sitting in front of one of the large openings. "Sirius?" She called out, thinking it was the older Black child.

It was not. Piercing blue eyes came to meet her dark brown ones. It was Regulus, Sirius' little brother. "Why are you here?" The younger boy hissed at her. Regulus Black was a mystery to Sage. He was only a year younger than herself, the same age as her brother, and a Slytherin. The boy was usually quiet and held a sense of authority that left Sage even wanting to obey.

"I could ask you the same thing," Sage crosses her arms over her chest, making the ends her thin sweater dangle. Regulus looked away from her and took a deep inhale. "Why do you hate the Death Eaters so much?" He questioned her. "I don't have time for stupid questions with obvious answers, Regulus," Sage snapped at him.

Regulus stood up and started walking towards her. "But what about the ones who don't hurt people? The ones who sit in the back and just watch everything unfold?" He was now standing in front of Sage, his eyes held regret. "Why are you asking me this?" Sage saw his expression and realization dawned on her quickly.

Stumbling backward slightly, Sage looked at Regulus with disbelief. "Don't tell me you..." Regulus nodded and his eyes filled became glossy. "You have his mark? Regulus, please tell you don't have his mark!" Sage begged. His hands moved to the end of his long-sleeved T-shirt and pulled it up.

Sage wanted to cry. Regulus Black had the Dark Mark. He was a Death Eater. She couldn't- no, she didn't want to believe it. "Regulus, no...!" Regulus was now crying. "You can't tell Sirius," He told her. "Promise me you won't tell him." Regulus grabbed her arm and stared at her desperately. "I won't," Sage promised.

"I won't," She mumbled again

𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 - 𝙎𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙐𝙎 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆Where stories live. Discover now