5. The House

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Herobrine's P.O.V

    Alright people, It's my turn to write! So, where we left off was, umm...

Steve: I found you in the cave and took you to my house.

Oh yeah! thanks Stevie.

Steve: No problem.

    So, yeah. I was still sitting on the cave floor, when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. I turned around, my first instinct was to run, but where? The cave we were in didn't go anywhere. That's when I noticed he was looking into my eyes.

   "What's he looking at." I thought. I hated my eyes, they were the thing that made everyone in my village hate me. But, nobody had looked at me the way Steve did. While everyone else had a look of fear or disgust on their face. Steve's eyes were filled with something different.

    After about a minute of him staring at my eyes, he finally woke up from his trance. "Um hi." He said, "I'm Steve and I'm just wondering if you were okay."

     "I'm fine" I said. Obviously lying. My leg hurt like crazy! But I wasn't about to admit I needed help to a stranger.

     "Are you sure?" Man, he just wouldn't give up!, "because I saw you fall out of that tree earlier and it sounded like you got hurt." "No, I'm just tired." I hoped he would buy it and just leave already. "Alright," YES!! "but just in case you better come stay at my place in case your really hurt."

    "Ugh!", I thought. " Wait a second, if I stay at his place, it would be easier to take his stuff. Not to mention kill him, of course.

       "Fine,I'll come," I replied, "but only because I'm not sure if I'm hurt." He seemed to buy it. I hoped we would get moving, the sooner I killed him, the better.

      "Okay, just follow me back to the house, it's not that far away." "FINALLY!" I thought. I started to get up, until I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I fell over, causing my leg to hurt even more.

       "Are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah I just need a little help walking." I replied. "Do you want me to carry you back?" he said. I thought about it, my leg still hurt a lot, but I wasn't going to be considered weak, even if I was gonna kill this guy. "Naw, just help me get up and I'll be fine." I said. "Okay take my hand." he said as he reached a hand towards me. I grabbed his hand and stood up.

     I knew if I let go of his hand I would fall again, so I didn't let go, and I kinda didn't want to let go of his hand either. He just stood there for a minute, like he was in a trance again. This time I spoke up and said "Umm, are we going?"

       "Yeah, let's go." he said. "Wait, is he blushing?" I thought. "Yeah, my house is this way." he said, interrupting my thoughts. We stated to walk out of the cave, I looked back. I had no idea if I would ever see it again, if he's out here, who knows how many others there are? I'm a wanted criminal just about everywhere, even if this guy doesn't know who I am, someone else will. I'll be thrown in jail for sure.

       I was deep in thought the entire time, I finally looked up when he said, "Here it is, my home." I stared at it. It was HUGE.  There was also a small farm and a lake nearby. I couldn't believe it! "Woah, cool house!" I said, getting exited for a moment. "Oh yeah, you like it?" he asked. "Well, yeah it's huge!" I replied. "Just wait until you see the inside!" he said.

         And with that, he led me into the house.


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