How Could You

Start bij het begin

  "Oh princess, I missed you." He mumbled into your hair

  "I missed you too Niall!" You exclaimed letting him go, taking in his appearance. He looked good. His hair looked freshly styled and he smelled like his clothes had just been washed.  

"Oh! I got you something!" He announced, going into his suitcase. You smiled and watched him as he pulled out a black box.  

"What is it?" You asked as he walked over to you and handed it to you. You smiled, opened it, and gasped. It was a pure diamond bracelet and engraved in it were the words:  

My One and Only Princess  

"Oh Niall, you didn't have to get this for me." You told him and he nodded.  

"Yes I did. You are my one and only, and I love you" He said smiling. You put the bracelet in the box, sitting it on the dresser. You kissed him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He smiled onto your lips and held your waist, flipping you onto the bed, causing you to giggle.

"You look so beautiful with my shirt on." He complimented you and pulled off his shirt, throwing it to the side. You smiled and touched his chest.

  "I missed your touch." You admitted, attaching your lips back to his. He stopped and got up. You sat up and pulled your shirt down.

 "What's wrong?" You asked, feeling embarrassed.  

"Nothing. I just don't think we should do that tonight." He stated and you nodded.  

"Okay, well, are you hungry? I could make something." You told him  

"No, it's okay princess, really." He said, kissing your forehead.  

"I'm gonna take a shower" He told you, grabbing a towel and some underwear out of the dresser.  

"Can I join you?" You smirked watching him.

 "I'm taking a quick one princess." He said closing the door.

  What's wrong with him? You're practically throwing yourself at him and he doesn't even notice.   You sigh. It feels like he's a ghost and you can't feel him. You got under the covers and closed your eyes, listening to the water. When he got out, you were half asleep. You feel the bed go down as he gets in it. You stay facing the opposite way waiting for him to hold you, but he doesn't. 

 You slowly get up from the bed and walk into the living room, going back onto the couch. Wrapping yourself up with the covers, you begin to softly cry to yourself, wondering if he still loved you.   

You've been together for a year and four months. You loved him, you knew that, but maybe he didn't love you. You couldn't help but burst out in tears.

He didn't come out to check on you. He let you cry yourself to sleep. You were worried. He's never been this distant before ever. He'd always be by your side. Sometimes you use to think he loved you too much. As of right now, you were scared to lose him.


  You woke up, your back hurting a bit from sleeping on the couch. You got up and went into the bedroom. Niall was up and dressed.

"Morning princess" He greeted you smiling.  

"Morning Ni." You softly said, grabbing some clothes from the drawer.  

"Why weren't you sleeping in the bed last night?" He questioned and you shrugged.

You felt a strong pair of arms slip around your waist.  

"What's wrong?" He asked, his breath dancing on your neck. You sighed.  

"Nothing Ni." You said pulling away from him.

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