"Hey, I'm here." Louis announced as he stepped forward, a big smile on his face.

Edward sighed in relief after noticing his omega was present in the room. "Thank god..." He mumbled to himself. 

"Lou! Baby!" Harry squealed before getting up from the floor and practically tackling Louis in a huge hug. He picked up Louis then walked over to the bed and placed him down before laying on top of him, nuzzling his head in Louis' stomach.

"Well hello there to you too." Louis said before giggling a bit. He slowly ran his fingers through Harry's mop of curls which resulted in Harry only holding the boy tighter in his arms.

Marcel laughed as he watched Harry and Louis. "Think you can handle him while Edward and I get ready for bed?" He questioned before laughing even more.

Louis rolled his eyes playfully and waved them off, silently telling them that they could leave. 

"I'll try to find that shirt of mine that you love sleeping in" Edward stated before walking over to the walk-in closet, Marcel trailing behind him.

Harry tilted his head and peeked up at Louis. As soon as they pairs eyes met, the alpha tried his best to wink at the omega but since his mind wasn't in the best state, it looked more like a slow blink. Louis giggled, not fully understanding what Harry trying to do, but the stupid goofy grin on his face just made him know that Hary felt accomplished anyway.


"Yes Hazza?"

Harry grinned at he rolled over so he was beside Louis. "Did you know that- that my heart beats only for you?" He questioned rubbing his red eyes that were easily becoming irritated.  "It goes like, Lou-ee   Lou-ee  Lou -ee." He stated, tapping his chest on each 'Lou' and 'ee'. 

Louis giggled and shook his head. "Really? Let me have a listen." He stated, pretending to play along. Louis leaned over and placed his head on Harry's chest, pressing his ear against the thin fabric of Harry's shirt. He giggled once again when he heard Harry start saying 'Lou-ee' once again.

"Oh wow, I think you might want to get that checked, love. That can't be good." He joked as he moved his head so he was laying on his back once again.

"Of course it's good Princess! It's just loveeeee!" Harry stated in a cheerful tone. a huge grin spread across his face.

Lous could feel himself choke on the air around him. "Wait? Love?" He questioned softly.

"Yeah! I love you so goddamn much! I'm gonna marry you one day!" Harry replied, his happy demeanor never changing even though Louis was clearly a bit worried.  

Louis was beginning to get somewhat scared. The Styles triplets and himself hadn't been dating for that long and Harry was already talking about love and marriage. Louis hasn't even thought that far in the future, all he could think about is what restaurant the four of them were going to have dinner at, not love or marriage. 

"You know...I wonder if the ocean just took one look at your eyes and thought 'wow, I wanna be that color' that's probably why the ocean is so pretty." Harry stated as he looked up at the ceiling, his eyes becoming droopy from him trying his best to stay up much later than he usually does. 

Louis pursed his lips slightly and looked over at the walk-in closet, hoping Marcel and Edward would be coming out any moment. "No, I'm pretty sure the ocean came first." He replied

Harry yawned a bit and rubbed his eyes as he thought for a moment. "Oh yeah...because if you came first then we wouldn't have pirates and stuff." He mumbled as he closed his eyes.

Soon Marcel and Edward came out of the closet ( c: hehe ) wearing their pajamas, Edward holding a large oversized lilac shirt for Louis to wear. 

"Here you go gorgeous." He stated as he stepped forward and handing Louis the shirt. Edward glanced over at Harry and smirked when he noticed he was fast asleep. "Good job babe, you tired him out." He praised before chuckling a bit.

Louis bit his lip a bit and nodded his head before quickly changing into the shirt and placing his clothes on the table so he knew where they were the next morning. He didn't know if he should have brought up what Harry said. If one loved him, did that mean all of them did too?"

Marcel picked Harry up and positioned him on the bed more properly before laying down himself and taking off his glasses. Edward was trailing to the bed shortly after as well. Louis made sure to turn off the light before walking back over to the bed and climbing in as well. He laid in between Edward and Marcel, not wanting to be near Harry at the moment. He sighed quietly as he nuzzled his head on Edward's chest, Marcel soon snuggling into Louis' back to have cuddles as well.

"What's wrong?" Marcel questioned softly, his voice muffled from the tiny omega's hair. "Are you tired?" He soon added.

"I um- yeah...just tired," Louis replied before sighing once again.

"Alright, lets go to sleep then babe." Edward stated before kissing Louis' forehead.

"Goodnight Lou."

"Night Lou."

Louis pulled up the blankets a bit higher before mumbling a small 'good night.' He really hoped that this was a dream or maybe Harry said 'I like you so much.' but a part of him knew it wasn't true and he had to accept what Harry said.

"Yeah....just tired...." He mumbled to himself again before drifting off to sleep.


unedited /// 1633


Very late reply because depression and other life events have been kicking my ass :/ but coming online and see all of your super nice comments on my book have made me so happy so thank you for that.

This is a bit of a filler I suppose. 

What do you think will happen in the next part?

Oh and please give me some feedback!

Please vote, comment, and share with a friend!

I love you all so much!  -Tara

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