Chapter 3: Good things come to those who wait.

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        Today was the day we planned on meeting. What if he doesn't show up? He said he would be under the structure after school waiting for me. Shit, look at me, i'm a nervous wreck. "Dang Rudy, relax girl! He said he would meet you today and he will! I just hope you aren't disappointed in what you see today. I'll be there by your side, distantly watching in case anything happens! I promise I won't be weird," she joked. 

        All my classes went by fast, my heart was racing all day, i swear I had an anxiety attack every time someone said the name Chris. I realized what I had gotten myself into... I had fallen for Chris, without even meaning to... We just clicked like a seat belt and a buckle. It was 6th period now, the last period of the day, all I wanted to do was dart out of the class and rush to meet Chris, my heart had yearned for him, to finally meet this mysterious guy. The clock just seemed to tick so slow I could almost hear every single second that went by. It seemed like the most agonizing hour of my life, I didn't even pay attention to my teachers' lecture, I was too anxious to focus on anything but him.

        *BEEEEEEEEEP*  Yes, the day has finally ended, I took a deep breath and sighed, getting myself together as I walked towards the front gate of the campus to go and meet chris. We said to meet one street over, my heart was racing, and my hands were trembling at the thought of finally meeting the guy that had stolen my heart so quickly. I was walking slowly dodging the other kids walking home and to their bus stops. It was rather ironic how I was eager all day to meet him, but when the time came, I wanted to chicken out. Then-- suddenly, up ahead in the distance, I saw him.. and he saw me. He had the biggest smile on his face and all of a sudden I felt lips arching, as if I too was smiling like I had missed him and had not seen him in decades, but he was still a stranger to me, a stranger that I knew I loved, but was not ready to let my heart think so. 

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