Chapter 2: Lust

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//1 year after vacation in San Diego...//

        "I miss you too mom! I'll be home in June to visit. My first year living in San Diego and making new friends was rough, I can't wait to see you guys once school gets out!"  I was officially home sick and on the phone with my mom. My school year that went by had sucked, I had my heart broken to bits and stomped on by a guy who I really thought was worth my time, but I fell for a jock, typical high school cliché. We had gone out for 3 months and we broke up a  few weeks ago before christmas break had ended. 

        It's barely January and here in San Diego, it's already warm. I've been thinking about Don since the break up and it sucks because we have 3 classes together everyday, shit sucks. Everytime I see him it's like my heart sinks to the deepest part of the ocean and breaks into pieces again. I try to stay focused on my classes and without my classmate Chelly, I would not be able to do that. She was like my wingman, and damn, did she help me through everything. "C'mon babe! Let's go and get some ice cream after school, it'll make you feel better after that shithead ruined your day today and all other days." Chelly was persistant in making me happy, you could say she was about my best and only friend at this school. 

        "Hey look at this guy Chell, he looks pretty cute, I mean I could use a good rebound right now," I giggled as I had shown her a guy on my friends like from facebook. She replied with "MMmmm... yeeeeah, he's alright. Not my type though but I know he looks like yours. I'd be careful, he looks like he will break your heart in a minute." Of course, I took that to heart since she was my best friend and I have done every possible thing to build my walls up again and to avoid any future heartaches. I took a good look at his photo on facebook and came to the conclusion that I would send a message and see where it went. 

                        "Me: Hey Stranger :)

                         Chris: Hi :)

                         Chris: Have we met before? You look familiar

                        Me: Uh. No, But you we can get to know eachother :) "

        That was the day my life had changed, all day and night after I had unpremeditatedly started a conversation with a guy I found peculiar on facebook, we had began getting familiar with one another and had just wrote to eachother via facebook every moment we had. We had eagerly wanted to meet eachother but never had the chance to. I was growing infatuate with him and he had been feeling the same.Days had gone by after we began conversation before we met one another a few weeks later, it felt as if we were modern day pen-pals. 

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