Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

" I hope you're not getting sick like Theo," he mumbled aloud, but to himself. It was a live thought, and he didn't seem to realise Leah had heard him. The thought of that scared her slightly, and a shiver ran up her spine.

Jared then stopped pacing and turned to face her. " I love you, so I need you to get better."

" I'm fine," Leah explained. " I'm probably.. coming on my period or something. I missed it last week."

Leah was in thought, and didn't realise Jared's eyes against her skin again. She felt the tingle in her arm, and looked back up. He was glaring at her with dark eyes that were full of hope, and she tilted her head; the penny hadn't dropped.

Jared lurched towards her, and she almost backed up, unaware of what he was doing. He pressed his cold fingers against her stomach.

" Could you be... pregnant?" Jared wondered, and Leah's face dropped. He stared back down at her stomach, a serious expression on his face. " Dad told me that, that menstruation stuff was always a sign of pregnancy. Is it the blood or something? Have you stopped bleeding?"

Leah couldn't believe he barely knew anything about the womanly cycle. But why would he? He'd been cooped up in this house for twenty years, seeing nothing of the outside world.

Just like their child wouldn't either.


Oh dear lord..

" Yes.. well, no there's no more blood." Leah's rattling voice told him. For some reason, she was panicking at the possibility of finally having a child, and she didn't know why. She'd wanted one the other day, hadn't she?

Jared's eyes glistened, and a smile morphed into his lips. " You must be," he almost beamed, and he shot up off the ground, placing his hat back on. " I have to go tell mom and dad. They're gonna be so thrilled it's finally happened."

Leah reached her arm out. " Wait, Jared. Don't you think we should confirm first? I don't want to give your family false hope." Leah didn't know if what she was saying was entirely true. Was it that she herself wanted the actual truth before doing anything? Was it that she didn't want to make it official?

Jared rose an eyebrow. " There's no other explanation, Leah. There's no way of us finding out, I just know."

Could they not use a pregnancy test? Surely they'd have them in case Lindsay fell pregnant again. God, Leah wasn't thinking straight today. Of course they wouldn't. It was worse than original analogue out here.

" If you need to continue throwing up, stay here. If not, take your plate back into the bedroom and eat your food."

Leah nodded slowly, her eyes staring into space, barely paying attention to a word he was saying as she was deep in thought. Jared leaned down, and his smile was so wide that if he was wearing lipstick, it would've rubbed onto his ears.

" I'm so happy, Leah. This is all's I've ever wanted from you," he roughly kissed her forehead before standing up and racing out the room. She could hear the loud sounds of his feet thudding down the stairs.

The minute she heard talking beneath her, she closed her eyes, putting her hand against her stomach. She could almost feel the child wriggling around in there, and she knew her mind was running wild as that was not even possible.

Leah knew this was going to happen, so she didn't know why she was reacting the way she was. Her and Jared had been trying for children for months, so you'd think she would've got use to the idea. She had, for a while. Earlier on, having a child didn't seem so bad.

This was exactly the reason Leah was so scared. She couldn't think straight. One minute she felt one way and the next minute she felt another. She knew a child wasn't going to make any of this better, so if she was pregnant, it was for the worst. Her hormones would be all over the show, a long with this strangeness that crept around within her.

But there was nothing she could do. There was a large possibility that she was going to have a child. Here. In this home, as she had thought. What would become of the child? Would Jared love it unconditionally like he did her? He loved her, yes, but would he treat the child like he did her? Would he hit them if they misbehaved? She hoped not. She hated being hit, and would feel a long stride of self-hatred for bringing a kid into the world for it to get  abused on occasions.

" Leah!" His voice knocked her from her thoughts, and she scrambled her head up off the ground.

" Y..yes," she said, her voice croaking and she hoped he didn't question her on it.

" Get down here," he yelled. " My family want to see you."

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now