Contest 1 - Odyssey Christmas {Closed}

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For this first month, we want you to give us a classic Christmas episode.

It can be about any character/characters in any Odyssey time period. But, it must take place IN Odyssey. Not Chicago, not Connellsville, not Pokenberry Falls. Odyssey.

This story can be anywhere between 500 and 5,000 words. No more, no less. It can be as many chapters as you want, but keep it under 5,000 words.

Write your story and submit it using the form below before midnight December 31, 2018.

Due to time differences, I want to know when YOU sent it through. Please be honest.


Story Title:
Time/Date Submitted:
Tag 3 People (members excluded):

Please enjoy our first contest!

Adventures in Odyssey Contest {Open}Where stories live. Discover now