Chapter Thirteen

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It had been carved into the mountain itself, made of its very stone, with intricate details that had been smoothed over many ages of weathering, making it appear as though it had been naturally formed from the land, the mountain looking as though it had been the latter one to grow around it. The sight was almost greater than that from its top, though Ylvir could not appreciate it as much as he would have liked as the sun was setting and the entrance was above him, meaning he would have to climb again.

Finally he reached the gaping entrance, the wind creating a haunting echo that chilled him more than the wind itself. He walked down into the dark cavern, shocked as torches suddenly burst to life to light his way until he reached a great pair of doors, reaching far above himself, carved with beautiful detailing of vines that drew the eye in. With great trepidation, Ylvir pushed one open.

He was brought to a dead stop by the sight before him. Torches lit the great stone hall with a warm glow, as howling laughter echoed throughout and filled his ears, his eyes drawn to the many warped figures that made the sounds of merriment, feasting on the plentiful food that filled the hall almost as much as their noise, the scent of it tantalizing him with its delicious allure. He had never seen nor heard of creatures such as this, with blisters and boils across their tinted, scaly skin, their bodies deformed with asymmetrical limbs and strange appendages, all of them in any sort of shape or size, though they seemed to be altogether harmless as they laughed, drank, and ate together, none of them noticing his presence. He didn't believe Lynelda would send him somewhere dangerous in any case, and she had been right about everything else so far.

He stood there for some time when one of the creatures shouted jovially, "Oi! Did someone leave the door open? Gettin' downright drafty in 'ere!"

It was then that their yellowed eyes turned to Ylvir, each pair widening.


Ylvir watched in great bafflement as the creatures tripped over each other and themselves, scrambling for hiding places until only a few ran around in the open, then darted under a table.

Ylvir was unsure what to do, but was somewhat saved when one of the creatures called out from behind a pillar.

"Wait, wait, wait," it said. "We're monsters."

From behind barrels and other pillars and underneath tables came murmured sounds of agreement until each one came back out.

"You there," the same voice as before called to him, and he saw a smaller creature than only came up to his knee with large, batty ears and a sizable, crooked nose, its limbs skinny and joints knotty with hands and feet looking too large for its small body approaching him. "This place is already taken. Go find yer own castle."

The others voiced their own agreement as Ylvir only blinked. "Sorry. I was told I could stay a night here."

They all cackled laughter, some falling over and rolling on the floor. The one in directly in front of him shushed them all and turned to him again, cocking its bulbous head at him. "Yeah, an' who told ye that?"


They all stayed silent for a moment, looking at him differently before they whispered amongst themselves. The one in front, the leader it seemed, merely grinned at him with sharp teeth.

"Seen the Lady of Last Resorts, have ye," it chuckled, then gestured him forward. "Well why didn't ye say so? Any fellow monster is welcome here."

"But before, you said—"

"Never mind that," the creature dismissed. "You wouldn't believe 'ow many fools come 'ere thinkin' they can take this place for themselves. Come on then. I'm sure you've had quite the journey."

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