Chapter 2

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Yuina didn’t know whether to scream, cry, hate or laugh. He didn’t want to leave but really what else was there to do. The love of his life just told him he had an STD. he left because he did want to say something he was going to regret.

He looked out the window of the cafe, the waitress bought  his coffee.

“Will there be anything else?” She asked with an enigmatic smile.

“No thank you.” Yukina did his best to smile back, he wasn’t really in the mood for smiling. Instead he really wanted to be alone.

The girl stared at him for a few seconds more, “Call if you need anything.” she shrugged then walked away.

Yukina when back to watching the window and million thoughts running through his head.

His boyfriend of three months have just told him that he had an STD, the possibility of it being a prank had come to mind but, if there was one thing he knew, Kisa wouldn’t joke about something like that. Not to mention, the fact that he was crying. It had been the first time that he had ever seen Kisa cry, and what was his response, to run away. Sure he needed to think but he didn’t have to leave. He wondered what Kisa could be thinking.

Yukina fought not to bang his head on the  table. He knew that leaving could have been the worst thing to do but he had to clear his head and refocus.  

He and Kisa had only had sex once since there relationship had started and he had got sick, so how could kisa have one but not him. He couldn’t had gotten it from him. Sure Kisa wasn’ t the first person he had been with, but he hadn’t done it in months since him and Kisa first did it.

Yukina didn’t want to consider the fact that Kids could be cheating on him, but what other option was there. He had known that Kiss was a playboy before they got together, but he didn’t care about that Kiss was his and his alone, so would he really do that to him.

It is around the time that a thought will stop being just a passing second and would instead become a gnawing monster. Thoughts are like that, they can enter your mind and be forgotten just as quick but this time Yukina’s mind grabbed at the thought, like a drowning victim would grab at a life preserver.

Heck, Kisa-san had accused me of cheating multiple times maybe he just wanted to get back at me for it. The thought creeped from the back of his mind, his hand when into a fist and a dark area lit up around him. He had learned about STD in highschool and college, he knew that symptoms would appear a month, if not a few days after being affected. Most people won’t even have symptoms at all.

No, no Kisa would never do that, that thought was followed by, I practically caught him that night. We were in a fight, there has to be a some other expernation, but what other was there.

Yukina when back and forward with mental conversation. Trying to wrap his head around the fact that Kisa had slept with another man. Yukina just knew he was going to be sick.

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