I Run On Spite And Fury

Start from the beginning

'There is no other way' The boy says with a teary voice. 'I ask only for the strength to defend my people' Boromir takes another step forward and so do I. My hand is already on my sheath, ready to take my sword out to defend Frodo. 'If you would but lend me the Ring!'

'No!' Frodo says with fear in his eyes and steps hurriedly away from the man from Gondor. 'Why do you recoil? I am no thief'

'You are not yourself!' Frodo says warily. 'What chance do you think you have? They will find you, they will take the Ring and you will beg for death before the end' Frodo ignores him and turns to leave. 'You fool! It is not yours, save by unhappy chance. It might have been mine! It should be mine! Give it to me! Give me the Ring!' Boromir says demandingly and at a sudden he leaps on top of Frodo, grasping for the ring! I take my sword out of my sheath, rushing to them. But Frodo slips the ring around his finger and disappears.

Just like on weather top...

Boromir jumps around, spinning around wildly and with a crazy look into his eyes. 'I see your mind ... you will take the Ring to Sauron. You will betray us! You go to your death and the death of us all! Curse you! Curse you and all your Halflings!' He yells in madness. Than he turns around and sees me.

And how confident I was just seconds ago, it is all gone. Because how can I defend Frodo from a friend?

Boromir grins wickedly. ''Sara' He says my name with a voice of honey and tries to catch me. I jump out of the way and fall on my knees, moving on hand and knees towards the bushes. Boromir rushes forward but he stumbles and falls. His body shakes. ' Frodo! Frodo! What have I done? Please' He says disorientated. He looks up, right into my eyes. I realize that I am shaking with an unknown fear. 'O gods, Sara! I am so so sorry'

He is a friend Sara, they ring had him in control. But it is over now.

Shakily I stand up and rush towards him, only to fall on my knees next to him. I throw my arms around his neck and cry. His arms are also folded around my waist and he holds me close. Hugging me like a big brother would. 'Oh Sara, I am so sorry. I- I'

'Hush, it is okay. The ring is beyond your reach now' He nods his head slowly and kisses my forehead. 'Thank you Sara'

Harsh cries can be heard.

O bloody hell, no.


'Sara! Go find the others! I'll find Frodo!' Boromir says, dragging me up. I look at him. 'Can you do that?' His face falls but he recollects himself. 'Yes, I swore to protect him'

'I see you soon!' Is all I say and with a smile I run back towards the others. My sword tightly clenched in my hand. 'Hey, hey you! Over here!' I hear Merry shout. 'Hey! This way!' Pippin screams. Hunderds of footsteps can be heard and I hear the boys yells. The yelling is coming closer, as if the screams are.

Suddenly I am on the ground. 'Sara!' They drag me up again and I am running back to where I left Boromir.


We continue to run, leading the pack of orcs away from the others, or so I suppose. 'It's working!' Pippin laughs. 'I know it's working! Run!' Merry says angrily. My heart pounds in my chest. My legs feel like jelly, and my breath is shorts and raspy, it feels like I could pass out any second. I feel my leg flash from pain. And I hiss. Dammit. But I can't quit. I just can't quit. Quitting means bad things, for me and the boys. Imprisonment maybe, or most likely, certain dead. In a haze, I watch the thick layers of forest pass by me in a blur. I have no idea where we were going, or when we could stop, that we were save. My – our time is running out, we can't run forever. The boys stop as more orcs approach from the other direction. I turn around but it has no use, we are trapped.

With a mighty battle cry Boromir charges up the hillside and blocks the stroke of the leadings orcs. He blows his horn while killing the orcs. Both of the boys are having their daggers ready. Orcs move closer and attack. I block blow after blow and my arm grows tired. Suddenly I am swept of my feet and thrown over a filthy shoulder. 'Sara!' Merry yells. Boromir's eyes grow wide. 'No!' Merry and Pippin try to rush after me but they are also scooped of their feet. Boromir cries out in rage but a loud thud stops time around us. A black arrow has imbedded itself in Boromir chest. He keeps fighting but another is fired and thuds in his chest. Than another and another one. 'No!' I scream it out, trying to get loose of the hold they have over me. But a last arrow brings Boromir to his knees. 'Aaaaagh! Boromir! Boromir!' They boys yell when they are carried away. An Orc aims his boy at Boromir's heart but with a battle cry Aragorn charges at him, smashing the bow with his sword. Aragorn kills the orc with one blow of his sword. Than he sees me, being carried away. His eyes grow wide in shock. 'Give her back at me' He growls and takes a step forward. 'Come and get her, little ranger' A dumb orc says while stepping forward. Gimli and Legolas are also rushing towards me. 'They have taken the boys also! Go after them!' I yell when the orc who has me hanging over his shoulders starts to run away, blocking me from sight. 'Sweet dreams' Is the last I hear before something heavy hits my head and my eyes close. 

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