Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


"Are you sure you don't want help?" Camila asks, watching as Lauren tries to hold both babies while they nurse.

Lauren nodded slowly. "I c-can do it."

"Okay, only if you're sure." Camila says softly, leaning back in her chair.

Marley was on the last leg of her tour but had just found out it was being continued after the baby was born.

Lauren looked down at the babies in her arms and took a deep breath. She was glad that Lucy hadn't shown her face yet.

"Mama," Grace cries out from her room, she wasn't happy with the new babies and cried almost constantly for Lauren.

Lauren closed her eyes and tried to contain her tiny bit of annoyance.

"It'll take time for her to adjust." Remi says before leaving the room to get Grace.

Camila gently took her son from Lauren so they could both burp one of the twins.

Lauren rested lips gently against Willow's tiny ear as she gently rubbed her back.

The baby girl released a soft whine, squirming slightly as Lauren continued rubbing her back.

"Shh." Lauren whispered into Willow's tiny ear.

Alice came into the room, holding her daughter. "Kendall, wanted to meet them..." she said softly. "What would they be to her? Her cousins?" She asked, confused.

"Aunt and uncle." Camila explains softly. "Since they are your brother and sister."

Alice furrowed her brows. "Really?" She asked, looking at her daughter. "So my daughter is older than her aunt and uncle?" She looked up at Silas, who was now standing behind her. "Weird."

Willow releases a loud cry before a burp escapes her and she relaxes against Lauren's shoulder.

The tiny girl began to fall asleep in Lauren's arms.

Elliot on the other hand was wide awake, kicking his feet and releasing occasional grunts.

"Daddy?" James pulled on Silas's hand. "Who are they?" He asked, pointing to the babies and then Camila.

Silas lifts his son up. "Well that's grandma Camila she's been on tour with aunt Marley and those are your aunt Willow and Uncle Elliot." He explains softly.

"But they babies?" James frowned in confusion.

"I'll explain when you're older kid, go play with uncle Daxton." Silas explains, putting his son down.

James frowned. Instead of leaving the room, he moved closer to Camila and climbed up onto the chair beside her to get a better look at the baby.

James frowned. Instead of leaving the room, he moved closer to Camila and climbed up onto the chair beside her to get a better look at he baby.

"He look like mommy." James said. "And Kenny."

"That's because I'm your mommy's mama." Camila explains to her grandson.

"Mommy's mama?" James repeated, confused.

Camila frowns, now confused herself.

James tilted his head to the side. "Kenny look like this when she born." He said, recalling what his tiny sister was like.

The five-year-old reached out his hand and gently brushed his fingers down Elliot's cheek, he'd done this with his sister when she was born.

Alice and Silas watched their son in adoration.

Elliot's eyes fluttered before he shifted and released a soft whine.

"He okay?" James frowned, looking at the little boy.

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