"Mom, go lay down." Remi says calmly.

Lauren shifted on the couch and nodded. "Help me up?" She asked, feeling pathetic.

Nodding, Remi puts her daughter in the playpen before moving to help her mom up.

Lauren groaned quietly, placing her hands on her lower back.

"How far along are you?" Remi asks softly, trying to help her to her room.

Lauren shrugged. "I don't know."

Frowning, the dark haired girl helps her mother lay down on the bed. "When did you see a doctor last mom?"

"I haven't had a chance." Lauren mumbled.

"I'll make an appointment, just rest and get some sleep." Remi says softly before leaving the room.

Lauren shifted on the bed to get comfortable.

She should've expected Grace to crawl into the room, the little girl had tears in her eyes.

Lauren didn't move even though she knew Grace was on the floor.

"Mama, 'unt up." Grace mumbled, trying to stand up. She still struggled to pronounce want on occasion.

Lauren brushed her fingers through her hair and rubbed her eyes but didn't move to pick Grace up.

"Mama," Grace whines softly.

Lauren let out a sigh and sat up slightly. "You have to sleep in your own room."

"No mama," the little girl replies immediately.

"Yes, Grace." Lauren said. "You're a big girl now."

"Up," Grace responds, kicking her feet.

"Grace." Lauren said tiredly. "Stop. You have to sleep in your own bed. You're a big girl now."


A few months later

Lauren gasps as pain shoots through her stomach, she was on the phone with Camila.

"Laur?" Camila asked. "Are you okay?"

"N-no," Lauren breathes out.

"What's wrong?" Camila asked.

The younger girl swallows thickly, "I think the baby is coming."

"Get Lucy to take you to the hospital." Camila said.

"She's not home." Lauren mumbles softly.

Lauren takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "I need you here Camz," she breathes out, using a nickname she hadn't used in a while.

"I'm in a different country." Camila said softly.

"Please, you've missed so many of our childrens' births. I need you." The younger girl practically sobs out as more pain rips through her stomach.

"I can't just hop on a plane." Camila said.

"I don't want to be alone." The younger girl responds weakly, she could hear Marley saying something in the background.

"Marley, stop. I'm not going anywhere. Relax." Camila said to her daughter.

Lauren's heart broke even more in her chest. "Please Camz, I need you. Lucy isn't the same, she's been hurting me and Grace."

"Lauren, I can't jump on a plane." Camila said.

It took a moment before Camila realized what Lauren had said about Lucy.

"Wait? What?" Camila frowned. "Lauren, repeat what you just said."

"L-Lucy's been hurting me and Grace." Lauren sobbed out, she was terrified and hurting and completely alone.

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