Lauren hands the little girl the pacifier. "You need to stop this whining."

Turning her head away, the little girl closes her eyes.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "It's annoying." She said, stepping away and closing the back door. She got in the front.

Two hours later

Grace was crying in Lauren's arms, her face buried in Lauren's neck. The doctor had given her a shot and she was really sore.

Lauren sighed heavily. She rubbed the little girl's arm softly where the doctor had given her the shot.

"Is she okay?" Camila asks softly, moving over to them.

Grace immediately tensed up in Lauren's arms, releasing a soft sob.

"The doctor gave her a shot." Lauren mumbled.

"Oh, I didn't know she was going to the doctor. You should've told me, I would've gone with." Camila says softly.

"Why?" Lauren frowned. "It's not like you care anymore."

"Yes I do, I've always cared about my kids." Camila responds, confused with how Lauren is acting.

"Then why the hell have Lucy and I been looking after your kids." Lauren muttered, looking down at Grace.

Frowning, Camila looks toward Grace then back at Lauren. "I've been on tour with Marley."

Grace shifts in Lauren's arms and nuzzles her chest.

"That's not an excuse. Your kids should come first." Lauren said, running her fingers through Grace's hair.

A soft whine escapes the little girl and she nuzzles Lauren's chest again.

Lauren looked down at the little girl.

Looking up at her, Grace whines softly and nuzzles her chest again.

"No, Grace. I'll make you a bottle." Lauren said, standing up and carrying the little girl into the kitchen.

Tears fill Grace's eyes and she buries her face in Lauren's neck.

"Bottle or nothing." Lauren said.

Gripping onto her shirt, Grace begins to softly cry.

"Don't start, Grace." Lauren said. "I don't have the energy today."

The little girl's body was shaking in Lauren's arms as she continued to softly cry.

Lauren sat the girl in her high chair and moved to make her a bottle.

Once the bottle was handed to her, Grace began sucking, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Lauren moved around the kitchen to make herself a coffee

The little girl was watching Lauren's every move, flinching when Lucy walked into the kitchen unannounced.

"Coffee?" Lauren asked, glancing at Lucy as she collected a mug from the cupboard.

"God yes," Lucy mumbles, kissing Grace's forehead before moving over to Lauren.

Lauren pulled another mug from the cupboard.

Kissing Lauren's cheek, Lucy releases a soft sigh. "How was the doctor's appointment?"

"They gave her a shot." Lauren yawned.

"Is that why she's so fussy right now?" Lucy asks, referring to the fact that Grace was now crying around her bottle.

Lauren shrugged. "Probably because I won't breast feed her." She muttered, looking down at her hands and playing with her bracelet.

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