These Giant Feelings Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'm not going to hurt you, your my mate, my partner, I would never hurt you." He said wrapping a loose hand around her and lifting her up. "I don't even know your name."

"It's Sage." She said bitterly.

Felix smiled. "That's a pretty name, it suits you. I'm Felix." Sage wouldn't even look at him, but at least she didn't fight him.

"Sage, please, I'm trying here. At least look at me."

She turned her head and glared at him, all fear had faded, replaced by a smoldering anger. "Oh well forgive me for not wanting to look to look into the vile face of my captor." She spoke sarcastically. "What do you expect me of me after you do something like that? Bow and thank you for dragging me away from my home?" Sage asked viscously.

Felix's ears burn. "We're only about half a day's march from Trives, I can take you back whenever you like."

"Well I want to go back now!" She twisted in his hand. "I want to help my people after what you giants did last night!"

"That wasn't even our fault!" Felix defended. "You humans were the ones that started it!"

"WE didn't start it! But if we did, we did it to get rid of you lot!" She yelled at him, A hatered flashed in her eyes. "Your kind has done so much to us!"

Something in Felix flared. "No." He stated darkly. "Humans aren't perfect either, humans send teams to kill us in our sleep because you're to cowardly to fight us, you use tricks and secrecy to win your battles."

Sage's face flushed. "We wouldn't even think of doing that if giants didn't plunder our villages first! The few cities we have left are crammed with people because they're to scared to live in open fields." She argued. "But does that make a difference? No, because your kind decided to take over our city!"

"My kind!? We have orders to keep our kind out! We protect you from rouge giants who want to hurt you!"

"By placing a curfew on us?" Sage accused. "By harrasing my people and causing fights a the time?!"

Felix ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "It's only because of instigators, and trouble makers that we place those rules down! He fought back, his voice raising. "If we could just get rid of all the stupid bull-headed humans who cause us problems, you wouldn't have to deal with those rules!"

A silence hung in the air, Felix wondered if he had scared Sage into silence, his face softened and he was about to apologise.

"I'm one of those bull-headed humans." Sage whispered, an edge in her voice.

Felix's mouth hung open. "What?"

She looked him in the eye definitely. "I'M one of those humans, who causes the trouble."

"Seven hells and seven Fates" Felix swore. "You're one of them?"

Sage nodded and watched his face for any sighns of madness. She waited for him to snap, to crush her or tear her in half, but he just held her. More silence followed, and Sage began to panick. Finnally, Felix did the last thing she expected.

He chuckled.

"Were you the one that put the chickens in the captains tent?" He asked.

Sage's face burned and she looked away. Felix's laugh only increased.

"It's not like it was hard to do." Sage muttered, her face a brilliant red. Felix stopped laughing after a few minutes.

"You know what? I don't care." He decided. "I don't care if you hate me, or that you're a rebel, I don't care anymore." He moved Sage's head to look at him. "I know why your my mate," he stated. "You can hold your own against a giant in a fight, and not many humans can do that."

He sighed.

"Well," Sage said slowly. "You should meet my mother then, if you think humans can't hold their own against a giant."

He smiled. He would like to meet this family, the people who raised this strong girl. It would be interesting; He would also like to have her meet his father.

Felix shifted. "I'll take you back to Trives today."

"....thank you." Sage said gratefully.

He gave a small smile. "It is no problem, besides, I wish to meet the rest of your rebel family."

Sage stiffened. "I have no family in the rebellion."

Felix snorted and lowered her down to the bed. "I'll take your word at that officially but," he raised his eyebrows. "I hope you don't take me for a fool."

She stood on the blanket. "What happened after...." She trailed off. "You know, last night."

"After you fainted?" He suggested, bringing a small glare from her. "Well we took out the fire, and after that everyone just sorta stopped." He explained. "My captain sent a message to the capitol, we're hoping for some sort of compromise at least."

Sage let the news settle. "That's good! It's a start." She said hopefully.

He nodded. "I suppose it is."

"When you meet my uncle," sage said suddenly. ",don't ask about anything related to the apothecary trade, or he'll talk your ear off."

Felix smirked. "Oh? Am I allowed to meet them then?"

"Yes, I guess you'll have to one day, might as well get it over with." She smiled slyly. "But first we must eat something."

"I'm willing to accept that deal." He laughed, lowering his hand next to her, letting her climb on. Lifting her to his shoulder, he moved from the bed, and walked out the door.

Yes it was a start. Hopefully the start of a long and and prosperous relashionship.

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