Beth's Neighbors Part 1

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Part one

Sunlight hit Beth's face. She stretched and tugged her fingers through her long chocolate brown hair, and climbed out. She sighed and looked through the window a hole in the wall she chipped herself.

Beth lived and borrowed on the forth floor of a five story apartment building, and tonight she had plans. She and other borrowers were meeting up on her floor to scavege through a recently deserted apartment. She made her way down to the kitchen, grabbed her tool bag and headed for the meeting place. After ten minutes, she stopped and sat on a slab of wood and waited for something. That something turned into someone, as a second borrower dropped down. This one, a man in his mid forties with sea-green eyes, and a head of thinning black hair, sat down next to Beth.

Beth looked over at his tool bag and grinned cheeckily. "I told you so Owin! You should have replaced that thing a week ago. Now you'll have to borrow Frank's hook!"

Owin Winston was sturdy borrower, with creative hands and huge feet. He was five and a half inches tall, and was very proud of it. He towered over Beth who was four and a quarter.

"Don't remind me!" He groaned. He looked down the left tunnel as if hoping he would show up suddenly. "I wonder if Frankfort is being held up by Maria again."

Beth snorted "And that's why I live alone!"

"You live alone because no one can stand you." He teased with huff. Beth punched his arm and crossed her legs.

"Yea well, at least I know what silence sounds like." She protested.

Owin chuckled. A few more minutes passed and Frank still did not show up. "Did Frankfort move or is he still living in the same apartment?" Owin asked.

Beth nodded her head." Yeah they moved, their off to the right now." Frankfort and his family had lived on the floor below Beth and a little to the left. Their move had taken them to the far right side of the building. Besides Owin Winston and his family, and Beth, there was only one other borrower family, but they lived way down on the first floor and kept to themselves.

"So the old bean moved out?" Owin asked changing the subject.

"Yea." She confirmed. "You could borrow almost anything from him without his notice. I still have some of his granddaughters doll furniture that she lost under the couch." She remeniced.

"I remember that, I can't believe you got that thing to your place. By the way, Willow wanted me to say thanks for the paints. I on the other hand could do without the arguments that comes with it!" He added.

Beth smirked. "Your welcome, I'll be sure to borrow more!"

Owin laughed and leaned back. A few minutes passed before he asked. "So how would you like to come over for dinner?"

She shrugged. "Sure. What are ya eating?" She asked.

"Whatever we can get our hands on." Owin grunted and fiddled with his backpack. Kiera nodded absentmindedly. Owin had three daughters and a son and could barely keep food in his pantry these days. She made a note to bring something.

Not long afterwards, they heard a rattling coming from the passage. Owin stood. "Finnally, where'd you been?" He asked. But as the figure ran closer they realized it wasn't Frankfort. It was his son, Charles, he panted heavily as he jogged towards them, worn out and gasping for breath. Beth gave the borrower a once over. He was, if possible, even more skinny then the last time she saw him, which was about a month ago.

"Hello Charles. What are you doing here?" Owin asked.

He took a breath. " Dad sent me.....said it.... would be.....good training ...." He said between pants before collasping under the weight of his backpack.

"Oy, what are you doing moving out?" Beth rolled him onto his back and helped him slip out. "What kind of borrowing are you gonna do with all this?" She waved her hands dramatically over his pile of gear. "How many borrowing trips have you made? Please tell me this isn't your first." She ranted but before he could answer Owin jumped in.

"Well this is an empty one so it won't be that dangerous even if it is his first time." Owin said pointedly looking at Beth.

"And this is Not my first borrowing! This is my third!" Charles stated proudly, standing as tall and skinny as a string bean. Beth was about to retort back but was stopped by Owin who had put a hand on Kiera's shoulder and was steering her away from Charles.

"We'll be right back, we have to... Go over the list. Be right back." They were a couple of inches away when Beth shrugged off his hand.

"What!? I'm just saying! Look at him he's like what, 15?" She hissed on an undertone.

Owin smirked " Aren't you like nineteen? You're barely an adult." He teased.

"I'm twenty! And I have six years of experience compared too," she jerked her thumb, "that guy."

Owin snorted, then turned serious."Look he'll be fine, this is probably the easiest borrowing he could ever do." He added under his breath. "I remember when You first moved into the apartment."

"Don't remind me!" She groaned. Memories flooded her head, being chased by an overexcited puppy, tripping on her own rope, and falling into a jar of peanut butter, She shuddered at the last one. "Fine I won't complain." she announced and stalked back to Charles.

Charles who had thrown out most of his stuff, slid the now lighter bag over his shoulders. "Ok now I'm ready."

Beth slipped ahead. "Ok then follow me." She motioned to a crack in the wall and slid through. They walked the way in silence preffering to focus on being careful. They climbed wires, shuffled across thin ledges and crossed nail bridges till twenty minutes to later, they reached the wall leading to the bean's home. Owin stepped ahead and stuck his head out to look around.

"Do you see any humans?" Charles asked nervously. Owin shook his head.

"No but we still need to keep our eyes peeled." He turned around and looked at Beth. "Now I know that this is your territory and your floor, but I want to do this safely and quickly. So no practice climbing, or swinging from the fridge or, whatever else pops into your mind. Ok? Please Beth." He pleaded quietly.

"What? Where's your sense of adventure! The need to feel alive!" She whispered dramatically throwing her arms out.

Charles laughed. Owin did not.

"I'm serious Beth."

"Ok, ok, I promise to be carefull." She said quickly. Owin gave her a look. "I'm serious." She insisted. Owin finnally relented. He huffed, half amused half disbelieving.

"Alright then, just be alert. That goes for you too Charles." He added. Beth stepped to the front.

"Alright, Owin you take back I'll take the front and Charles, you stick in the middle." Beth directed. With a push, the panel opened and they stepped out onto a black counter.

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