She's the Problem

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While waiting for Cas to come back with the adamant, Y/N and Sam came up with a plan

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While waiting for Cas to come back with the adamant, Y/N and Sam came up with a plan. Cas would pop over to the Bunker to keep an eye on Dean and call them if anything changed or happened to him. The two of them would drive back.


Y/N pulled the truck to a stop outside of the place they call home. Headlights shining on the angel in front of them. Sam and Y/N climbed out and moved to the front of the truck.

"How is he?" She asks Cas.

"He's awake. It's not good, Y/N. I don't think you should go in there by yourself. I'm afraid that something will happen." Castiel tries to warn her.

"We don't have any other option. This is the plan and we must stick to it. If I don't call or text Sam in 30 minutes, then you will know that something is wrong. Have the blades ready and come in for the rescue. Don't worry about me, the plan is to save Dean. Everything else comes after." She glances over at Sam and sees he isn't looking at her. He has his eyes forward and she can see the muscles in his jaw clench. She puts a hand on his arm, to draw his attention to her. "Everything will be okay."

Sam shakes is head. "I don't like this."

"That's what you've been saying this whole time, but it's too late to change anything. You know this is the only option we have." She tells him.

"Y/N's right, Sam. As much as we don't like it, we don't have another choice." Cas explains.

"Yeah I know." His eyes growing concerned. "Just be careful."

A small smile appears on her lips. She brings a hand up to his cheek and watches his eyes close at her touch. "I will." He nods, and she takes a deep breath, dropping her hand. "Alright. I'm going in. Remember, if you don't hear from me in 30 minutes, come and find me." She moves away from them and heads towards the front door of the Bunker. She gives them one last look before pulling it open and moving inside.

Heart pounding against her ribcage, she slowly moves across the balcony. Peaking over the edge, she can see the mess dean had made due to his rage. Lamps broken, books shredded, chairs smashed. She moves down the stairs. Reaching the bottom, she stops to listen. Trying to find a clue of where he could be. Nothing but silence.

"Dean?" She calls out. "What the hell happened? Where are you?" She moves through the War Room towards the hallway where their bedrooms are. Still silence. The first door she comes to in her own. It's open. She looks inside. Nothing but destruction. Her room like the motel room he destroyed. Everything destroyed. No surface was left untouched. With a shaky breath and a bundle of nerves building, she moves on. Stopping in front of Sam's door, she can already see the mess behind the closed door, but she opens it anyways. "God, Dean. What did you do?" She steels her back and moves on again.

Stopping in front of Dean's door, she hopes it's the same and that she will find him amongst the mess. Pushing the door open, she lets out a breath when she finds it destroyed, but empty of his presence. "Shit. Where is he?" She hears a clatter behind her. Quickly turning, she looks down the hall where she came from. "Dean?" She calls out once more. Listening for a minute before moving back the way she came. She moves through the War Room and towards the kitchen. Her heart is beating so fast, she can hear it in her ears. She comes to the doorway and finds Dean standing with the fridge door open, peering in. "Dean." She says quietly, making him look at her and shut the door.

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