I Wish I Didn't Let You Go

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Y/N woke up to the feeling of the Impala coming to a stop

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Y/N woke up to the feeling of the Impala coming to a stop. She sat up from her makeshift bed, in the backseat, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. As Sam and Dean climbed out of Baby, she gathered her jacket and book bag. Once both feet were on the cemented ground, she stretched up onto her toes and allowed it to continue through her body with a satisfied groan. Y/N looks around with tired eyes and a small smile on her lips. Nothing felt better, after being on the road for a few weeks, then to see the garage of the Bunker they called home. Well, except maybe a home-cooked meal and her own bed.

Hearing the trunk open, she walks around to join the guys. Helping to gather their respective duffel bags full of dirty clothes and weapons that needed a good cleaning. Following Dean to the door, with Sam close behind. "Home sweet home, boys." Y/N says, "I vote that we don't take another case for a while. I love Baby, but I can't be stuck in the backseat looking at the back of your heads anymore."

Sam huffs a laugh. "At least, you have plenty of room to stretch out, try sitting up front and trying to sleep."

"No one told you to be eleven feet tall, Sam. It's not my fault that Chuck graced me with my average height." She says, walking past them and into her room.

"Says the girl, who can't reach the top shelf without climbing onto the counters!" Dean calls after her, receiving a classy middle finger in response.

"You do know it's her turn to cook tonight. She's going to spit in your food." Sam tells him, laughing as he sees the look of disbelief grow on his brother's face.

"She wouldn't." Deans says looking over at Sam. Only getting the raised eyebrows and slight turn of the head. "Would she?" He asks, beginning to panic. "She wouldn't do that, Sam...Yeah she would. Son of a bitch."

Sam just laughs as he heads to his own room. Passing Y/n's room on the way, he sees her unpacking all her clothes and tossing them into her laundry basket, while humming a song she's heard a million times. Looking down at his feet and smiling slightly, he continued to his room next door.


Ingredients spread across the counter tops in the kitchen, Y/N's 'Guilty Pleasures' playlist coming through the Bluetooth speakers, and her bare feet moving around the cold kitchen floor as she cooked were a sight any man could get used to. In fact, two already have. They can't remember when the Bunker became so full of life, but they were happy that it did. They might not remember when it became this way, but they remember when it was cold and quiet. Just the two of them, with the occasional angel in a trench coat popping in.

Y/N made life a little easier for boys. She always made sure they ate, had clean clothes, and have gotten a few hours of sleep. They never asked for it to be that way, it was just how it was having a woman living with them. Y/N liked taking care of them. She liked knowing that they were okay, that they had everything they needed. Doing their laundry, because she knew that Dean would wear the same thing every day if he was given the chance. They used to eat A LOT of take out before she moved in. Now if they are home, she makes sure every meal is eaten at home and it's freshly made. Dean grumbled a bit, but once he realized how much better a homemade burger with bacon tasted, he never complained again. Sam, who always tried to eat a little healthier when they were out, was happy to cut back on going out for food when they wanted to eat. Now his diet was less restricted to grilled chicken and lettuce.

Dean and Sam were in the War Room on their respective laptops, when they heard her bare feet moving towards them. Dean was the first to look up. Seeing her walk into the room, eyes on the ground, wearing her favorite band shirt-that was so worn, it was getting a little holey, and a pair of black jeans that were rolled up past her ankles. Her hair, aside from her bangs, pulled out of her face in two messy buns on top of her head. He almost gets up to meet her half way to pull her to him and he's reminded that he can't. He's the one who ended things with her. He's the one who 'wanted to move on and expand his horizons with others.' Dumbass. Looking at her now, he's hating himself.

As she moves her head up, he quickly looks back at his computer screen. Pretending like he hadn't been watching her. "Dinner's almost ready." She says, pulling out a chair and settling herself next to Sam, who finally turns his attention to her.

"Should Dean be worried?" Sam asks while sending an amused look his brother's way.

"Not tonight. I didn't feel like making two separate dishes." Y/N responds while joining in on the teasing. All Dean does in return is make a mocking face, causing the other two to laugh.

She leans towards Sam to see what he was working. "Please don't tell me you found another case. We just got home. There is already a ton of laundry to do." Y/N groans while resting her chin on his shoulder. Allowing Sam to get a better smell of her sweet perfume.

Clearing his throat, he says, "No this one isn't for us. It's for Garth. He's closer to it than we are, so he's taking care of it. He just asked if I could help with the research." Shifting his gaze to the side, he can see how close she is. All he can think is how easy it would be to place a soft kiss on the apple of her cheek.

"Good ol' Garth. Do you need some help?" She asks, turning her face slightly to look at Sam. Feeling her stomach flip a little, when she catches sight of his hazel eyes. "No, I've got it. Thanks though." He replies, lips curling up a tiny bit. She pulls away from his shoulder and stands up.

"Awesome. Let me know if you change your mind." Y/N says as she quickly turns and heads back to the kitchen. 'Note to self: stop it! You shouldn't be feeling this way. You still have feelings for Dean! Dammit.' While she's chastising herself, she doesn't feel the same eyes she was just staring into following her with the usual look of longing in them, before shifting his attention back to the screen in front of him. Sam doesn't realize that Dean is looking at him. Having watched the entire exchange and Y/N's hasty exit.

A thousand questions are running through Dean's mind. Like why hasn't he noticed that look before? Why did that exchange between his brother and his ex, look more intimate than it should have? Has Sam always felt that way? Does Y/N feel the same? Are the two of them together? What the hell is going on?

As each question passes through his mind, Dean can't help but to get a little angry and jealous. Had Y/N really moved on already? Not like he was one to talk, with the parade of women that he's been waving in front of her. He winces internally. He has been acting like a douche, but that shouldn't matter. Could she really move on with his own brother? Could he blame her though? While he was off with whoever, the two of them have been sharing rooms on the road and spending more time together. It would make sense that Sam would be cleaning up the mess Dean made of Y/N's emotions. Emotions she kept hidden from them both, but Sam could see.

"Dinner!" They hear Y/N call from the kitchen. Dean sits a little bit longer, watching Sam close his laptop and heading into the kitchen. When Sam's cleared the doorway, Dean closes his laptop and rubs a hand over his face. 'Perfect.' He thinks as he stands up and heads into the kitchen, where he hears laughter. He stops in the doorway, to find Y/N standing on the counter and Sam holding her steady by her hips, as she grabs the plates from the top shelf.

"We have got to move these down. It's not fair!" Y/N says while laughing and handing the plates to Sam, who places them on the counter beside her feet and helps her down.

"But it's so fun watching you climb up there. You're cute when you try to be independent." Sam says, stepping away to grab a couple plates, handing one to her, before moving to gather food onto his plate.

Neither have noticed Dean. He sees the blush creep into Y/N cheeks. "Yeah, but one day I'm gonna get hurt, Sam. You're not always going to be there to catch me in case I fall."

Sam moves from the food, to let her get some. Standing off to the side of her, watching her for a moment. An intense look in his eyes, "I'll always catch you." That causes Y/N to look at him.

Neither of them see Dean turn and head to his room.

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