Grabbing the last bag, Camila places it on the luggage cart.

Marley let go of her son and sniffed, holding back tears. She looked at the twins, gently brushing each of their cheeks with her index fingers without waking them.

"I have to go." Camila says softly, looking down.

Marley nodded. "Okay." She stepped away and sat back on the bed.


"Mama?" Blake asks in confusion upon seeing Camila, he was sitting in his room watching a movie.

"Hey, buddy. I came home early." Camila said softly.

"B-But you left, mommy said for a year or two." The twenty-three year old mumbles.

"Well, I came back." Camila held her arms open for her son to come into.

Blake immediately curls into her arms and relaxes. "You keep leaving." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry baby. But I always come back, don't I?" Camila said.

Nodding his head, Blake turns his attention back to the movie.

Camila kissed the top of Blake's head.

Two hours later

Lucy walks into the room to check on Blake, finding him sound asleep in Camila's arms. "He missed you."

"I missed him too." Camila whispered.

Taking a deep breath, Lucy walks closer. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too." Camila responded, trying to keep her eyes open.

Leaning down, Lucy connects their lips together in a slow and passionate kiss.

Camila kissed her back, cupping Lucy's cheek.

Lauren walked passed the room and caught sight of them kissing. She watched for a moment before walking away, shaking her head.

Pulling away, Lucy looks into Camila's eyes. "Come with me." She whispers.

"Where are we going?" Camila asked, sitting up.

Lucy just grabs Camila's hand and leads her to the room Camila normally sleeps in.

Shutting the door behind them, Lucy locks it and turns to face Camila. Grabbing her hand and pulling her close. "I want you to fuck me."

Camila froze. "I'm not in the mood." She told Lucy honestly. "I'm tired. It was a long journey home."

Swallowing thickly, Lucy looks into her eyes. "What if I ride you? I'll do all the work."

Camila let a yawn out of her mouth and blinked a couple times. She shrugged.

Moving them toward the bed, Lucy quickly strips their clothes and pushes Camila onto the bed.

Leaning down she takes Camila's soft dick into her mouth and begins to gently suck the tip.

Camila's breath caught in her throat. She gripped the sheets beneath her and closed her eyes.

Once Camila is hard, Lucy pulls away and licks her lips. "Mmm. I've missed this." She says as she moves above Camila and slowly sinks down onto her erection, moaning loudly as it fills her.

Camila let out a quiet moan.


Marley jumps awake and sits up, it's been two months on tour without Camila and the kids. Every night she has the same dream of Camila and Lucy.

Breathing heavily, she ran her fingers through her sweat-soaked hair

"Marley? Are you okay?" Shawn Mendez's sweet, gentle voice came through the door.

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