Making Up?

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I woke up with a pounding headache, any movement made it worse. I manage to open my eyes and look to my left and I see a half naked Justin. My eyes widen and I look down at my body and see that I still have my dress on from last night. Thank God! I feel Justin move beside me and he turns to me and opens his eyes.

"Hey" he says with a smile. I smile and block the sun out of my eyes.

"Hi" I say. He laughs and get out of bed and walks to his bathroom. I sit up in the bed and try to brush my hair down with my hand.

"Here, these will help" he says handing me some painkillers. I take them with some water and so does he.

"What happened last night, like how did I end up in your bed?" I say taking another sip of water. He slips a shirt on and then sits down on the bed.

"Well, we came into the house and you fall at the bottom of the stairs. So i picked you up and carried you to my room and put you on the bed and the next thing I know, you're asleep" Now that I think about it, I remember being carried upstairs, but after that I don't remember anything.

"Well thanks" I say getting up out of the bed. I was about to walk to the door when Justin grabbed my wrist, spinning me back into his chest.

"I meant what I said last night, that if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, I'm here for you" Justin says before kissing my forehead. I smile and thank him. I turn and walk out if the door, down the hall to Grace's and my room.

"Well, what do we have here? Did you and Justin have a little fun last night?" Grace asks wiggling her eyebrows up and down. I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom to get a shower.

After my shower, I step out into an empty room and get dressed. Once I was dressed I heard my phone go off. I look and see it is a text from Bryan.

From Bryan: Hey, I was wondering if maybe today you would like to hang out, maybe a movie or something.

I smile at the text, but before I could reply, the door opened and Grace walked in.

"Hey just to let you know, you have a job today, well like right now" she says before walking out. I groan and send a text back to Bryan.

To Bryan: I would love to hang out with you, but I can't I just got called in to work, but tomorrow :)

I sigh after I sent the text and got up, grabbing my gun and walking out the door. I made my way down to Boss's office so I can get my info for the job. I knock then go in.

"Kelli, it's nice to see you, here is your info about today's job" Boss says handing me a paper with a guys info on it.

Dylan Weaver

Get money he owes at any cost.

Where have i heard that name before? oh well, sounds easy enough. I was about to walk out of the room when Boss called me back. I turn and look at him.

"I know what happened between you and Jason, and like I told you before, you changed him for the better. You have your reasons for hating him, I get that, but at lease try to talk to him" he says looking at me with caring eyes. It was at that moment I realizes that Boss is the closest thing that I have ever and will ever have to a father. He is only trying to look after me and do whats best for me.

"I will thanks" I say before turning around, but I was stopped by Boss again. I look back to see him looking at some papers on his desk.

"I know that you have been sharing a room with Grace, and you two are best friends, but you do a lot around here and should be able to have a bed all to yourself. So, I want you to take the room at the end of the hallway on the right" he says before going back to his work. My own room, sweet!

I walk out of Boss's office and outside to my car. I get in and start it, I was about to pull out of the driveway when Jason got in the passenger seat.

"What the hell Jason?" i ask stoping the car. I looked over at him to see him looking at me.

"Just drive" he says looking forward. I sigh, not wanting to fight. I pull out of the driveway and down the road.

"Ok so what do you want?" i ask Jason with my eyes still on the road. He sighs and turns to me.

"I'm sorry, I was and I'm a total dick, I should have never did that to you. And if you take me back I promise i'll be better, never hurt you again" he say looking at me. I quickly look over, looking into his eyes to see him telling the truth. But I can't just give into him that easy. I look back to the road.

"Ugh how about no, I can't trust you anymore" I say.

"Please, one chance, thats all I want" Jason says.

"No Jason you had your chance and you screwed"- I got cut off by Jason smashing his lips into mine.

"Now can I have a second chance, Kelli please I will do anything for you to take me back anything" Jason says.

I don't respond I just keep my eyes on the road. Once we get the house we have to find a way to get into the house which takes us about 30 mins. During those 30 mins I just want to kill myself because Jason won't shut up he is being all lovey dovey. I finally get on edge and turn around and yell at him.


Jason just stood there with a shocked look and we got back to the job. We finally got in to the house and I couldn't believe who it was that we had to kill...

Thank you @bellebieber525 for trusting me and letting me write this chapter btw this is @MaeganGallegos22 thank you so much for letting me write the chapter I hope u like it.

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